6 Minute HBA1C test..

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I've been for a work medical today (Railway) and as being Diabetic type 2 on insulin they used a handheld finger prick HBA1C meter on me. Not much bigger than a standard blood sugar meter.
It came back with a reading of 94!
My last test at the doctors was 58, and I usually hover around the 5-9 reading during the day.

Has anyone experienced these machines and their accuracy please? As I have never come across this thing and feel a bit dubious about the result.

Many thanks.
No direct experience but last time somebody asked about these meters i did a bit of internet research. Came to the conclusion that they did not seem to be reliable. An HbA1c of 58 and 5-9 during the day are perfectly compatible so I'd stick with the doctors result and contact your works medical department about the discrepancy and suggest they do not waste money on their hand held monitor.
Many thanks for the reply, I had some suspicions about the result. I’ve booked in with the Doctors next week for a proper test.
Perhaps a quick check that the hand held meter is using the same units as the doctor's lab test, and not some stramge USA units, would be in order. We use mmol/mmol I thought that this was a world-wide standard but I might be wrong.
I’ve used a a1c now machine that looks very similar to a glucose meter. I would hope something a little more sophisticated was used on you, as those are very unreliable. I had results varying by 50 %
Perhaps a quick check that the hand held meter is using the same units as the doctor's lab test, and not some stramge USA units, would be in order. We use mmol/mmol I thought that this was a world-wide standard but I might be wrong.
Sorry but that should be mmol/mol for HbA1C though some GPs still give in the old units of %.
Thanks everyone for the replies, I’m going To see what the GP test comes back with then see if I need to take it further..
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