5 Days In

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Well that's me been on my pump for 5 days now and had a few ups and downs but generally good.

Yesterday was a bit frustrating the set was giving me bother and I was running a bit high so decided to change it. Had a bit of a bleed when i took it out, which surprised me, but all good now and a lovely bruise for my efforts.

Was wondering how aware of the cannula are you as sometime i feel it and sometimes i don't. Suppose after yesterday I just a little anxious it not in correctly. Bloods been fine today, so far, so expect I just stressing.

Back to work next week a whole new game after that I expect :D
Glad to hear you are getting on OK CBK. I tended to be more 'hyper aware' of cannulas in the first few weeks. More recently I am only really conscious of them for the first hour or two after insertion. Sometimes the sticky feels a bit itchy, but as often it's not actually the site, just my mind playing tricks with an itch where the set was several days ago!

Itching at the site itself is usually a signal that it needs changing in my (very limited) experience 🙂
I was mega aware of em for the first few weeks, but if you asked me where mine was now I can't tell (though I do know where-ish it is LOL - can't avoid seeing it every time I go for a P - unavoidable if you have em on your lower half and you're a girl)

You do get used to them very quickly. At least the bruise will make you not re-use that area for a bit which is a good thing.

I have to change mine every 2 days - the site goes 'off' very rapidly after that if I don't - and I don't need any more 'iffy' areas than I already have.
Thanks guys nice to get some reassuranse that a few itches and awareness of site is common . I had to change my set twice in one day as just felt wrong but you saying that you aware of set for first few hours Mike is what I feeling at moment, so not going to worry now as much ha ha ha. Well thats what i tell myself. And ye definately not going near that bruise trophy it still bit tender.
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