4th week injecting Ozempic


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Well it’s the fourth week and seems like 3rd and 4th days of each week are when I feel most nauseous. It’s been getting less so but today feel like I’m actually getting ready to vomit.
The good new is I’ve gon from 11.12 to today at hospital 10.9 so that’s good. My Daily fasting blood sugar now in the 6 range so Ozempic is doing the job.
I am slowly coming around to in my haste to lose weight and reduce my BG I am maybe not eating enough, therefore, I am going to eat more smaller potions more often. My mistake I think is going a long time i between food and mostly low carbs. So I’m going to try sensible eating for this next week and see if it helps with this seul sense of going to be sick!
Anyone been in this situation?
Just a update on taking ozempic
8th week in, me taking ozempic 0.5 and it’s getting better only feeling nauseous once or twice early on in week after Monday injection. I continue to attend the diabetic centre each week to get weighed at 8am before the clinics start as they kindly agreed to weigh me which as helped.
I am down from 75.5kg to 65kg so doing well and weight loss has helped with BG which is now always und 6 usually mid 5
I must say it has not been easy as some family and friends think the injection causes weight loss and in some respect it helps to lower appetite but you still need will power at those times you feel like giving up when you feel sick or even have the occasional craving for a Salted Magnum
However for now I want to get to 60kgs which will satisfy this 4ft 9in 72 year old!
Good stuff!
Thanks for the update @Docsue

Sounds like it is working really well for you! Congrats on the weight loss, and the transformation of your BG levels is very impressive.

All the best for reaching your target of 60kg - and long may your willpower stay strong!