4 years today and lost my motivation

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just wanted to wish myself a happy 4th birthday of being a diabetic. It was 4 years today that my GP diagnosed me and quite frankly i don't want to be diabetic any more.

all other members in the diabetic club have always been supportive and you're probably the only ones that understand how i'm feeling. We all know that some doctors can be pretty rubbish.
i've never missed an injection and i try my hardest to look after myself and not let it get me down when i get it wrong but sometimes its just far too hard.

where does everyone get their motivation from???

i don't normally moan like this. i think i'm just feeling a bit homesick and i know i'll snap out of it soon enough but i think because its my anniversary its just got me thinking a bit.

hope everyone else is ok. thanks for listening 🙂
I hope you are feeling better soon. We all feel it is too much like hard work from time to time. It is that time of year when it has been dark for a long time, so that wont help much.

I find this forum a big help and knowing others have been through it too. It is nice to know others have listened and have offered support. I always find it hard in the run up to Easter as I was diagnosed just before Easter 2006 and I love chocolate.

For me part of the 'cure' is being able to tell others about it and knowing I can come here and ask for help whenever I need it. I also find going into a quiet corner or into a room on my own and having a good bawl helps. Then I treat myself to a new DVD or some clothes and feel better.

Knowing I don't need sweets (or any other food) to get over feeling in the pits is a big step forward for me as I have tended to be a comfort eater.
Hi Fran, sorry to hear you are feeling down. I'm still less than two years down the line and I feel like you do sometimes too. You've done well over the past four years so you should congratulate yourself for that 🙂It can't help if your doctor isn't very supportive.

It would be great if you could get to one of the meets this year - so far there's one planned in York and another in London. I've also had impromptu meetings with a few people, and it really is a terrific boost to your motivation to just sit and chat - whether about diabetes or not! Treat your self today and try to relax - you deserve it after four years. I went to a beer festival for my 'anniversary'😉

Do keep in touch - I was pleased to see your name after a long absence (I do worry about people!), 😉and having a good old moan is perfectly acceptable!🙂
Hi Fran sorry to hear your feeling down, im 9 days away form my 1st year anniversary and its been playing on my mind alot, I have been thinking just how much it has changed me but i have to say for the better.I think for me the motivation is my strong willing to strive for the goals i set myself if i got to lose weight i strive to it best i can when it comes to my diabetics because one things for sure it wont beat me .I think as Northerner said maybe try and make a meet this year if you have the confidence etc it would be great im going on my first one in April and i expect to get loads from it .xAnyway have a good day and chill x
Sorry to hear your feeling down. I think anniversarys are really hard as you dwell on things.

I think regularly what a stupid desease diabetes is & how annoyed I am that I have it. Usually when I see someone eating chocolate cake..

I hope you feel more upbeat soon, I think motivation ebbs & flows so I am sure it will come back again soon
hi xxx hope you are feeling better...gets to me aswell ,having to think all the time about what i am eating...and im a T2 and so dont have to do all the maths yet xx so im sending you a BIG HUG XXX
Hi Fran I too am feeling a bit down so you aren't alone. Here's a hug for you.. It's the pits at times don't you think. I just come in here and find comfort in all these lovely caring people. Re motivation, I find it hard at times and get fed up pushing myself. Have to agree about the time of year as it is so depressing, grey low clouds that you could almost reach up and touch. Oh for the sunshine and warmth. Chin up I'm sure you will feel better tomorrow.
We all have our own ways of dealing with things and getting through the low feelings, but it is good we can come here and share how we feel knowingothers will care and be supportive.

From me a big thank you to everyone here for helping.😉
We all have our own ways of dealing with things and getting through the low feelings, but it is good we can come here and share how we feel knowingothers will care and be supportive.

From me a big thank you to everyone here for helping.😉

Likewise. Hope you begin to feel a bit more upbeat soon Fran. It might help to think of it as a temporary blip that we all have from time to time.
hi again everyone. thank you so much for your messages of support and especially for all the hugs- its exactly what i needed.
some of you mentioned about the weather and luckily for me i'm living in new zealand at the minute and i've been basking in the sun all morning and bordering on spontaneous combustion from the heat. i've come inside for a break before heading out and thanking mother nature for the glory that is sunshine.
i got talking last night to a friend about heading home soon cos i'll be on home ground in about 5 weeks and its been a bit of a wake up call that it'll be back to reality and back to the doctors. i've been quite cosily living without the doctors nagging about hba1c's and all that, and i think just the thought of that got me a bit in the dumps.
i have a lot planned in the next month though as i'll be continuing my travels around the country before heading home.
hopefully like you say it is just a blip and i'll bring myself round soon enough.
cheers guys. will be in touch again soon
Fran x
Enjoy the rest of your trip. It's probably the idea of comming back to reality, but once you are back and into a routine, things will look different for you.
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