4 year anniversary :)

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all,
today is my 4 year diabetes anniversary and I just couldn't think of a better way to celebrate it than to make my second post on here haha. Since you lot are the people who will understand how i feel most 🙂. What wasn't so nice was that Carrie (my insulin pump, yes she has a name hehe) decided to kink in the night so that I woke up with a blood sugar of 19.9 and some ketones. Not so fun, this aimed wiht me feeling pretty down about my diabetes is making me just want to hide under the covers all day. I think a really long relaxing bath with bubbles and face packs and the works is in order 🙂. Sorry if this post seems a bit pointless but I'm feeling all lonely and desperate, I can't seem to get my levels under control. i know that many of you will be able to relate and help me with this though which is why I am here and wanting to turn today into a positive 🙂. For example this morning when I was 19.9 i had 5 units of insulin and a small bowl of porridge with soya milk. One hour later i was 26 and two hours later i was 18.8. Quite frustrating but perhaps to be expected after the inital blood sugar, oh the fun of the diabetes fair :( xxx

What a way to celebrate the four years, don't you just love diabetes and the things it throws at you. Have you still got ketones now? I was told if i ever find I have them to test for them every 4 hours until they've gone and also if they are above +++ then to go to the hospital. Are you drinking lots of water to flush them out? I think a long bath with bubbles sounds perfect to make you feel a bit better I always feel better after have a long soak🙂. Keep correcting until you can get the numbers down and hopefully you'll feel better soon, let us know how you are later x
Thank you so much for your reply, it is so nice to have someone understanding to talk to. I took the day off college to try and sort myself out and my mum is very angry at me for having done this because she thinks that academics come first before everything, especially before diabetes. So it is really nice to have someone make me feel the day off is justified! xxx
hi lilred , perfect plan the bath and the bubbles , im sure your mum feels she is just looking out for you but if you feel th e need for the day off from college thats your choice you have diabetes only you know how you feel xx
Thank you so much for your reply, it is so nice to have someone understanding to talk to. I took the day off college to try and sort myself out and my mum is very angry at me for having done this because she thinks that academics come first before everything, especially before diabetes. So it is really nice to have someone make me feel the day off is justified! xxx

Mums you've got to love them but they don't always know what's best for you especially if they don't have diabetes(probably won't be thinking like that soon because I'm soon to be a mum). I think the thing is that diabetes is one of those conditions if you don't say how bad your feeling no one would be able to tell because only you know what your blood sugars are like and how it's making you feel. I think the day off is certainly justified if you have ketones you must be feeling awful, I've only had them once but don't want them again in a hurry! xxx
Yeah I love my mum to bits but she doesn't really understand the whole diabetes thing. Forgive me for the im a misunderstood teenager cliche. You're exactly right though with diabetes people don't suspect anything untill you tell them do they. I really hate ketones, not least because I've had DKA twice before and I'm really really really keen to avoid it ever again. If I'm truly honest with you I find it difficult to fit diabetes management into everyday life, I know that a lot of you will probably agree and have even more obstacles than me because you have children to care for. I respect you all enormously and I'm not trying to moan but i do find it really difficult and often want to just have some time to myself in which to chill out and spend time weighing every meal and such. My friends are understanding about my diabetes but as I'm now at college I am finding there are a lot of new situations because I wasn't really very outgoing at school and just went on very planned trips with friends but at college there is a lot more spontaneity (? i cant spell sorry :( ) which i am enjoying but also finding it difficult to cope with emotionally. XXXX
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