4 weeks in with Tslim and Dexcom G6

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi Everyone
I thought Id share some experience with the Tslim with control iq and Dexcom sensor.
After being on the usual therapy's for many years and a recent visit to my Doc in March I decided to give a pump another go and I have to say I'm truly amazed with this pump and sensor, a couple of years ago I had been put on a Medtronic 640 with a guardian 3 sensor and lasted only 4 months with it, it was improving my time in range to low 80% but the upkeep for this system was a nightmare, sensor wanting constant calibrations alarms every night... and the list goes on.
With the Tslim the last 30 days time in range I'm at 94% and have had several days with 100%, I'e never seen that number before even when I've been trying my hardest to keep in range. In March the Hba1c was 8.5% which is high for me but I had another surgery on my leg in January and was unable to walk for 3 weeks and the recovery took some time and my BG levels were hard to manage with all that, in the Dexcom reporting App it has my Hba1c at 6.4%, I know it's likely to be quite a bit out but still a massive improvement in a very short time which I'm very happy with.
The learning curve for the Dexcom and the Tslim amounted to 30mins training with the Dexcom sensor and 2 hours with the Tslim, in both cases the teachers came to my house which was amazing service from both companies. I did 9 days in hospital training for the Medtronic in comparison.
the Guy from Dexcom was telling me the next sensor G7 is going to be much smaller and promised some improvements to the connectivity and the nurse from Tandem also told me they are now working with Abbott to integrate the Libre 3 with the Tslim and that will be available end of 2023 early 2024 so great news for continuing development to improve their systems.
I have to say so far I did not find any negatives with this combination and would highly recommend it to any of you with sympathetic Diabetes teams who are pro pump & CGM technology.
Just a note for those who dont know me, I live and work in Germany where the health system works more like a private system so being able to access this kind of equipment is much easier than the UK.
Great to see all the details written out like that. It seems that combination is really working for you. Isn’t it brilliant when things work well? 😎
Glad to see this thanks @Paulbreen, as I am due to go onto Tslim plus Dexcom next week!
Im sure you will have a great time with it Barby1, it is so easy to work with, best thing for me is no calibrations to do, in fact the nurse from tandem advised against trying to calibrate the pump and the Dexcom sensor, best of luck on your new journey
Glad it’s working so well for you @Paulbreen 🙂
haha I just read your signature there @everydayupsanddowns , seems were in the same boat, are you doing good well with it too?

Hehe! Well yes, I think on balance it’s probably the best combination I’ve had access to.

Ideally I’d love to be able to fine tune the settings of the algorithm, but none of the commercial ones let you ’tinker under the hood’.

Dex is great, though the lag (and occasionally over enthusiastic ‘predictions’) drive me slightly crackers when my BG is moving swiftly…

But overall i’m really pleased, and I get better results with very slightly less effort 🙂
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