4 day working week planned for Autumn

Amity Island

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Currently, employees have the legal right to request flexible working, but there is no obligation on companies to agree.

That balance of power is to be shifted, with companies instead legally obliged to offer flexible working from day one except where it is “not reasonably feasible”.

It means workers will have much greater powers to get bosses to agree if they want to complete their full week’s hours between Monday and Thursday, taking Friday off.

Also mention of reduced days / reduced pay and term time only working.

From what I read, it just sounded like compressed hours rather than a proper 4 day week - 4 days for the same pay. IMO, the whole work/QOL balance needs looking at.
From what I read, it just sounded like compressed hours rather than a proper 4 day week - 4 days for the same pay. IMO, the whole work/QOL balance needs looking at.
At the current rate of change in politics anything could happen between now and Autumn🙂. Yes, it would be a welcome option to many empolyees, whether reduced days, compressed hours or even the term time only working.
All public sector employers already offer flexible working policies; compressed hours, term time working etc. Most of my team work some sort of compressed hours. Personally, I work four days and get paid for four days.

What I would really like to see is a 'normal' week being four days and I can go back to getting a full time salary :D
I used to work for a company with a lovely flexible working day
Arrive anytime before 10am
Up to 2 hours for lunch
Leave anytime after 4pm
The key requirement was you had to do your contracted hours by the end of the week

It worked great as the early risers were there early, the night owls like me crawled in later. End result ... the office was staffed for longer hours at no extra cost.
Need to get something done at lunchtime, no problem, if 2 hours was not enough you could ok it with the boss for a bit longer.
What I would really like to see is a 'normal' week being four days and I can go back to getting a full time salary :D
Yes, some companies in the UK are doing this, at no apparent reduction in output and employees are much happier.