Hi all, I joined this forum only yesterday. I'm diabetic 7.5 years. I'm currently in my third week of Prof. Taylor's Newcastle Diet. My number this AM was 5.8 mmol/L. My numbers have actually been normal since the end of the first week, just as the professor predicted. Of course, the diet is rather severe, and I've got roughly 6 weeks to go on shakes and salads. I'm down 12.5 lbs though, so that's not nothing. I've got about 23 lbs to go before I begin transitioning to a normal diet. My A1c was 53 just before I started. For me the biggest concern I have is whether my poor old pancreas (I'm 69 after all) will recover adequate function. Theoretically I've only about a 46% chance, but the early numbers hint that I can and will. I've got a plan B if I don't, but I don't even want to contemplate that right now. What I will say is that I've tried low carb, fasting, aerobics, weight training, and all at the same time....failed at everything. This is the first time I've had consistent normal numbers in years. Fingers crossed.