3rd week of meds but still feeling bad

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
After being Diagnosed on 14th september, I was put on Metformin 500mg twice a day, then on the 21st 100mg Januvia once a day was added.

But I don't seem to have any improvement in how I feel, if anything I feel worse.
Extreme tiredness, headaches and blurred vision.

I've been back to the nurse last night and the doctor today, and the hospital for more blood tests today.

I've started testing my BG, Yesterday 2.30pm it was 13.2 then at 7pm just before my evening meal it was 7.2, this morning before breakfastat 6.15am it was 10.2, yet when the doctor tested me on his meter 5 hours later it was 5.2.

My question is: is this normal? How I feel and supposedly my readings acting like a Yo Yo. I have been told it will take several months before I'm stable and feel a lot better
Hi Davey, sorry you are still feeling poorly. It can take several weeks before you start to feel better - it can vary very much from person to person. Blood sugar levels can be affected by a variety of things during the course of the day, as you will come to learn. How soon after eating was your 13.2 and what did you have for lunch? It is good that your levels were practically normal before you evening meal. As for your morning readings, again it can depend. Some people find that their levels are relatively high in the morning, as their insulin resistance tends to be higher at that time. Once you are up and about, and presumably have eaten and had you medication, your levels eventually came down before you saw the doctor.

Try to be patient. If you continue to learn and take things one step at a time, you will be well on the way to feeling much better - possibly better than you have felt for ages! 🙂
It was atleast a month before my vision settled and I still felt grotty on occasions quite a while after that. But, the periods where I started to feel so much better also increased during that time. It isn't necessarily all bad news!

I'd strongly suggest that you make a note of what you eat and when. I did this for the first month or two. Then you will be able to easily relate your readings to your meals and can make adjustments where necessary.

My diet has changed several times over the months as I realised which foods were causing me problems.

Things will get better,

Andy 🙂
Extreme tiredness, headaches and blurred vision.

Just how I feel with high bg's :(

Hang on in there, your Met will have 'ramped up' by now and should be working properly (this can take some time).

Now you have a BG monitor you might experiment with testing before and 1 hour/2 hours after meals to see what heppens when you eat different foods.

Hope you start to feel better soon.
It took 4-5 weeks for me to get settled into my meds davey, id give it abit longer then maybe if things are still not improving or you feel no better make am appt to see your GP x
Hi thanks for the response. the 13.2 result was taken after 2 hours after lunch which was a Ham and lettuce sandwich on wholemeal bread.

Feel better now I know that this is not uncommon, guess I expected to feel better as soon as I started on the meds.

Cheers guys.
hi Davy
I am type 2 and was on Met, had all the stuff you describe, it did settle down after a few weeks, and i was a lot better than before diagnosis, i have now come off Met due to hysterical pooing 😛 but most folks are fine on it once the body adjusts, keep an eye on it and go back if things dont improve 😉
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