3 day heat wave, records and warning.

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Much missed Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
On the radio they've mentioned record temperature (prediction?), and given a couple of warnings. One was for old people to stay inside or under shade. The other was a general ("at risk"?, "frail"?) take care.
Thanks for the "heads up" warning @Ralph-YK
I'll be indoors again, hugging my AC unit.....best investment I've ever made!
Take care all and keep vigilant on how you're feeling.
Can't stand this hot weather, 20 max is about the limit, worry for those most at risk.
Can't stand this hot weather, 20 max is about the limit, worry for those most at risk.
No, me neither, 20 is quite hot enough! I am staying in today, but alas have to go out shopping tomorrow morning, then after lunch I have my usher's shift for the matinee at our local theatre - hopefully the air con will be full on :D

Also, if anyone has cats and/or dogs, keep them out of the sun and keep their little paddies from scorching!
I think my brain is operating slightly better today.
The heat can affect electrical equipment and meds.
A few (3?) years ago, in a heat wave, my tablet wouldn't let me turn the screen brightness up. I was almost just about able to make out a message saying it was too hot to do that! I'd forgotten about that.
Even if they are working, some devices will be unusable because you're unable to see what is on the screen. I believe some people have their BG readings displayed on their phone.
My list of conditions & medications, and all my contacts, are on my tablet.
Aaaah - just got my fan set up and running high - I will take it to work for the rest of my stint servicing the knitting machines at the local University.
I really can't stand the heat - never have, nowt to do with D, it just melts my brain :( My phone says it's 33c in London - I'm dreading tomorrow
My car said 35 when I was driving home at 5pm
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