2nd post diagnosis hba1c

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Away off on one again panicking had my bloods done today for my hba1c now the waiting bit! Last time I had lost 3st in 11 weeks this time it’s 14 weeks after and I’ve lost another 2st I haven’t done anything I shouldn’t I’ve continued to watch my carbs but Wanting it to come down by another 7 or so it’s the fear of it not having come down anymore how long do these take to come back on average? Last time I had it done Monday and was phoned by the doctor on the Wednesday
Hi @sarahb83 and please don't panic! You seem to have done magnificently with your weight loss which should reflect well on your hba1c, especially if you have been low carb. My surgery takes 3 days to get the result but I suspect it varies between NHS trusts. How did you lose weight so quickly? Have you been on the Newcastle diet?
Hi @sarahb83 and please don't panic! You seem to have done magnificently with your weight loss which should reflect well on your hba1c, especially if you have been low carb. My surgery takes 3 days to get the result but I suspect it varies between NHS trusts. How did you lose weight so quickly? Have you been on the Newcastle diet?
Hi vonny I did 800 calories but not liquid shake things I ate normal food for 12 weeks then stepped up gradually from 800 to 1500 but stay under 120g carb, still don’t eat bread or potatoes or rice and rarely eat pasta cos it’s so carb high don’t eat anything processed and I started walking x
Have you got your results now @sarahb83?

Hope you felt the result reflected your efforts, and your amazing weight loss :D
I’m not as happy as I thought I’d be but I am happy hopefully if I can manage to keep on top of my type 2 I’ll get happier as time goes on

Don't be too hard on yourself.

You're a bit away from the diagnostic threshold now, and the reality is it's not going to be better, time-on-time. That's not credible.

When I had my first post-diagnosis A1c of 37 after 4 months, I had a bit of a chat with myself about it all. I decided I would give myself a plus or minus range I'd be happy in, and stuck with it.

In reality, my numbers trimmed back a bit more, and I still have my plus or minus range I'd be happy with. That allows for the periods of stress (which can impact me anyway), being unwell around the tests, or plain old just living my life.

Of course, we roll out the cliche of marathon not sprint to others, but it's harder to take ourselves, but whilst I' pretty competitive (even with myself), I know that certain things would just bring unnecessary frustration, and nobody needs that.
I’m not as happy as I thought I’d be but I am happy hopefully if I can manage to keep on top of my type 2 I’ll get happier as time goes on
You have saved yourself - you are now healthier and you know what to eat. so very well done. I am trying to lose another 10kg and it's slow progress after the first 10kg. xxx
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