2nd anniversary

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Well guys, on the 1st of July I shall be two whole years into my diabetic life (2 years diagnosed) and I feel the need to celebrate!

I'm all out of ideas for something to do so I thought I'd ask for the widsom of the forum.
Rather than going and getting drunk or anything I was thinking about doing something a bit more creative, maybe a photography project or something along those lines.

Has anyone done anything similar? I need ideas people!

Hi John, you're pretty much the same as me - I've just gone past my 2nd anniversary. I bought a big chocolate cake, although the funny thing was that, although it was a one-off, I still vacillated for ages trying to choose a 'healthy' one, checking the sat fat content, carbs etc.! I guess that's what two years does to you! 😱 I also looked back over the past year to see how things had gone.

How about gathering together your diabetes detritus and making a diabotic?

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