2am hypo

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi guys just wondered what you thought

10.30pm BG 7.1 had Apple 18 carbs and blue riband biscuit 12 = 30 cp's
was 5.1 at 12 midnight 2am hypo bg 2.1 mayb it was a one off but if same thing happens could it be my carb ratio is to high ?
Id wager it could be a multitude of things, I used to have frequent hypos around the same time and it was that my basal was too high. Do you normally eat before bed? Because if not then maybe your body just isn't used to having fast acting insulin at that time of night so would need ratio to be changed? Maybe if it persists you could see your diabetic nurse? I hope you felt better in the morning, not nice waking up at that hour :-(
My daughter is much more insulin sensitive in the evening and needs less insulin, we have 3 different ratios for different times of day. Could be that you are the same?
Thanks Guys

fallfromgrace Hi sometimes I do eat but not every night just felt bit peckish last night so had biscuit n apple.

Sally71 Iv got 3 diffrant ratio's im 1/9 from 8 pm mayb il just see how wee go tonight mite of been just a one off

The other thing is, we're you more active than usual yesterday? What seems like only a small difference in activity levels seems to make a massive difference to us at the moment, and after evening activity (dance class) the hypo doesn't hit until the small hours, i.e. 6-8 hours later!

No no exercise very quite evening watching TV n football 🙂
Err, it was quite WARM yesterday ! That makes quite a lot of difference.

Hi Iv noticed some people say that the warm weather affects their BG but I cant say Iv ever seen difference in mine ,Maybe there has been iv just not picked up on it but will keep an eye
Well would you believe, I cleaned the kitchen floor yesterday - I'll elaborate, actually the floor was pretty clean but yesterday 'we' decided to clean the rug.

'We' in this case is my husband and it involves him getting down on hands and knees with a scrubbing brush and a bowl of soapy water, and applying the bristles to the pile in a vigorous fashion, then picking up rug, taking it outside, chucking it over the washing line and hosing it down thoroughly to get rid of soapy water. Then it's left to dry. It's a cheap but OK looking poly- something rug we thought at the time would only last about 12 months, that we've now had for 15 years and it always comes up a treat! Cost us about £15 in 1999.

So the floor cleaning really involves mopping up all the soapy water off the floor with the floorcloth, which of course needs to be rung out repeatedly. Most of the mopping except the edges, I can do with my foot on top of the cloth instead of having to get up and town all the while. Not actually, what I'd call really hard work.

But today, I'm not actually hypo as such - but the highest I've managed is 6 and the lowest 4.

Plus if I indulge in the sort of vacuuming when I move some of the furniture - all year round - afterwards I'll always be low !
PS. My DSN once said 'I prescribe 'Housework' as a BG reduction device!' - the only time I've told her I hated her!
Well that was me up again at 2am BG 2.1 so having dinner tonight then nothing else n start Basal Test from 10 till 2, I think problem lies between midnight and 1 am tested at 12 midnight last night was 5.7 so will let you no result hopefull a nice relaxing evening for me 🙂
The weather is playing tricks with me at the moment 😱 Good luck sorting 🙂
Basal test done 10 pm 8.2
11 7.9
12 7.7
1 6.1
3am 5.1
7 6.9
11 3.4 :confused:

didnt hear alarm at 2am but woke at 3am , so have reduced Basal from 12 midnight by .25 because of the drop as started at 8.2 and finished 3am 5.1 so see how wee go friday as had bad set n had to change tonight at 9 pm so far 12 midnight 9.2 🙂 let you know next couple days if its worked

thanks guys x
PS. My DSN once said 'I prescribe 'Housework' as a BG reduction device!' - the only time I've told her I hated her!

Your posts always make me smile TW! 🙂
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