21 cm!!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi All

I had my PT session this morning and we did my stats again:

Here we go:

Upper Arm - 1 cm
Leg 5 cm
Bust 4,5cm
Waist - 11cm!

Thats a whopping 21.5cm!!! All this and 3 stone weight loss since June 10th.
Achieved by eating between 1600- 1800 cals a day, low carb (but some at every meal) and keeping an eye on sugar and salt. I really haven't felt like I have been on a diet, although I have to admit I have had one or two little hiccups along the way!

The other factor has been to exercise 6 days a week, generally hard and when it hurts too much, just do a lighter version of what I would normally do, but don't do nothing.

This is basically all I have done.My first hba1c was 6%.

I am posting this for 2 reasons:

1) I have been trying to lose weight for years and was feeling quite down before i hit the gym today, thinking I was starting to stray again and the inevitable 'give up' would happen.
I am so pleased with the results and feel totally inspired again.

2) I have seen some posts where some newbies feel that life is over when diagnosed. I was totally shocked and dreaded what lay ahead. I had given up drinking for 6 months and felt 'taking my food away too' was just too much.

However I want to let anyone know who initially feels like this that there is some really nice food out there that you tend not to try unless trying to be really healthy - they seem to just get missed. I have had some gorgeous meals and further more, my family are feeling the benefits of eating healthier too.

I was also very very nervous about putting on a pair of leggings and going in the gym, but this has been the best thing I could have done. I now look and feel better and have made loads of really supportive friends.

I still have a good way to go to be at my goal, probably well into next year, but at least I am well on the way now.

I hope this post encourages others that there is still life after diabetes, and that we can all have little hiccups along the way and still get there - after all we are all human!
Lucy that is the best news i have seen in ages, very well done your doing amazing hun, your post is soooo encouriging to those out there who are struggling, your a real star and deserve to be getting such fantastic results you worked so hard for it xx

Well done for losing the inches...........

Many fitness professionals will tell you that you are not eating enough calories...........its all about activity..............if you start to starve yourself with no activity you body will panick as its not recieving its normal calorie intake and start to store backup energy in the form of FAT...........

This is what I heard from my partners personal trainer at her gym.........

Can anyone else confirm this?
Hi All

I had my PT session this morning and we did my stats again:

Here we go:

Upper Arm - 1 cm
Leg 5 cm
Bust 4,5cm
Waist - 11cm!

Thats a whopping 21.5cm!!! All this and 3 stone weight loss since June 10th.
Achieved by eating between 1600- 1800 cals a day, low carb (but some at every meal) and keeping an eye on sugar and salt. I really haven't felt like I have been on a diet, although I have to admit I have had one or two little hiccups along the way!

The other factor has been to exercise 6 days a week, generally hard and when it hurts too much, just do a lighter version of what I would normally do, but don't do nothing.

This is basically all I have done.My first hba1c was 6%.

I am posting this for 2 reasons:

1) I have been trying to lose weight for years and was feeling quite down before i hit the gym today, thinking I was starting to stray again and the inevitable 'give up' would happen.
I am so pleased with the results and feel totally inspired again.

2) I have seen some posts where some newbies feel that life is over when diagnosed. I was totally shocked and dreaded what lay ahead. I had given up drinking for 6 months and felt 'taking my food away too' was just too much.

However I want to let anyone know who initially feels like this that there is some really nice food out there that you tend not to try unless trying to be really healthy - they seem to just get missed. I have had some gorgeous meals and further more, my family are feeling the benefits of eating healthier too.

I was also very very nervous about putting on a pair of leggings and going in the gym, but this has been the best thing I could have done. I now look and feel better and have made loads of really supportive friends.

I still have a good way to go to be at my goal, probably well into next year, but at least I am well on the way now.

I hope this post encourages others that there is still life after diabetes, and that we can all have little hiccups along the way and still get there - after all we are all human!

I was just about to faint at your 11cm waist size! But then realised that it is what you've lost. Sigh! 🙂

Great results and well done, I think.

I can second your thoughts about eating though. I had some lovely grilled sea bass yesterday (yes I know I could've put some lemon on it!) and it was really tasty. I'd never had cooked that before (and it was cheap off the fish counter!).

Andy 🙂
Thanks Steffie - I am welling up a little - so pleased!
My PT goes in hospital for 2 weeks this week and I have been handed over to a man!! I have to say back in June I would have had to say no due to how i felt about how i looked - now I say bring it on..I'm ready for him!
Thanks all,

Novo - i am not sure - but I have worked out my intake with both my PT and GP and it seems to be working. I am slightly under the GDA of 2000 cals but this is necessary if need to lose weight. In the past, I was always told no carbs and it just didn't work - as soon as I had a slip and ate some carb - loads of weight piled on quickly and could find myself being heavier than I started. I think I have come to understand its about balance.

I certainly have a lot more energy - the only exception being when I get things wrong and eat something that takes my sugars high - this makes me very sleepy, but instead of going to bed and sleeping for hours like i used to before diagnosis, i now do a bit of exercise and watch the sugars drop. Sometimes the thought of putting the trainiers on fills me with dread but once up and going I soon get the energy back.

I think we have been bombarded with this diet and that diet, this rule and that rule and now I am doing things that seem to work for me.

Gosh it can be confusing can't it!

Wow wow wow. Congratulations what an achievement, no wonder you are pleased with yourself.

I need some help now, a few questions as I too now have a PT, since beginning of summer holidays. I see her at the gym twice a week. I haven't quite got it in my thick skull that I need to do more at home (this is how my pea sized brain works). I have the exercise bike at home but the computer thing doesn't work so I can't see how I'm doing and that is so damned off putting.

So I know I need to do more and your post I am hoping will inspire me to do some more.

My questions are re the food. My PT started me off on 2500 cals per day but this soon changed as she had thought I would be doing stuff at home which I'm not yet. I know it will be easier when my daughter is back at school (well that is what I am telling myself anyway 🙂) so we went down to 2225 and I didn't didn't lose anything so we are now down to 2000 but I'm not allowed to go any lower than that.

I grew up going to diet clubs where you could only have about 1500 cals per day depending on how much you had to lose so I can't get it in my head that I have to eat 2000 cals. She told me that if I didn't eat enough then the wrong thing would be burning off and I needed to eat 2000 to burn the right fat off and keep the energy.

All very confusing. Can you shed any light at all on my muddled message, you have obviously had lots of chats with your PT about this so you may be able to put my mind at rest. I have about 10 ish to lose (not lbs 😱).
will pm you.
Wow well done Lucy, that is amazing 🙂

Has anyone here tried going to Curves? I went whilst I was in Australia and lost some inches - and I never lose weight when I'm actually trying to so I thought it was quite good 🙂
Yes I did Curves when I moved to where I am and the idea is brilliant but I used the excuse that I couldn't park near it to finally give it up after about 4 months. They said I needed to go 3 times a week and I could only ever manage twice so decided I wasn't doing any good !

I'm not good at this exercising lark which is why a PT is good for me.
Yes I did Curves when I moved to where I am and the idea is brilliant but I used the excuse that I couldn't park near it to finally give it up after about 4 months. They said I needed to go 3 times a week and I could only ever manage twice so decided I wasn't doing any good !

I'm not good at this exercising lark which is why a PT is good for me.

I lived right oposite so had no excuses not to go really! We did end up moving down the road an gave up - not that it was very far away, we could have got the tram! If I had stuck to it I would be a size 10 by now, damnit :D

If anyone lives very close I would recommend it. Just 30mins out of your day and it really works 🙂
I think we have a 'Curves' near us. How much is it to join/per session?
Sorry Lyndasw, Not sure. I paid in dollars and we got a special deal because we joined as a group :D It was a REALLY good price, so hopefully it isn't too pricey to join here in the UK.

Here it says ?39 for 6 weeks: http://www.curves.co.uk/

Sounds good to me. I might see if there is one around here.
Lucy- a very well done to you! You have worked really hard and you are obviously doing something right because it's worked for you! 🙂
Thanks Katie, might consider this after my hols in Nov to lose my hol weight. um there again I might wait until after Christmas lol but it does sound good!
What a fantastic achievement :D :D. It feels great dosent it when you actually start to see yourself shrinking. Only thing is needing to buy smaller clothes!!! Well done xxx
Thanks Katie, have often wondered if Curves is any good, a new one has opened up close to me so might give it a try...
Lets not let Lucys great achievement get lost in the thread

maybe someone can start another one on this curves.

Well done you, you deserve to feel very proud! And yes I need success stories like yours, after nearly three weeks with no sugar or fat I was imagining losing tons of weight - that just hasn't happened! I obviously need to move MORE!

11 cms is brilliant...so pleased for you

Lola - keep going it will come off - I am sure.
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