2024 Cost of living UK Questions

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Admiral Benbow

Well-Known Member
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At risk of diabetes
Ok everyone, I've been continuing to contemplate moving back to the UK to live, as I'm pretty dissatisfied with the craziness of my home country Canada these days, and figure if I need to live in an expensive country long term it will be the UK. I'm living well in Taiwan at the moment but can't see myself working here another ten years or ever owning or wanting to buy a home here, and need to start thinking about things like a mortgage, a pension and eventually death preparation like a will. So, I have some very basic questions about cost of living.

1. What salary would you say is needed to live a comfortable life -like what used to be called middle class- for a couple with no children and only 1 income.
2. I think I could get a job starting at 47,000 pounds in London. Would this be enough for living in the capital for a couple to rent a studio and cook their own low carb meals and occasionally eat out or travel?
3. Would it be best forgetting London entirely?

Let me know your thoughts folks.
It depends how far out you’re happy to live @Admiral Benbow Why not look at Rightmove and similar to get an idea?

That’s a search for studios/1 beds. I found London ridiculously expensive and most of my London friends have moved out now, but it depends why you want to be in London.
I think I could get a job starting at 47,000 pounds in London. Would this be enough for
I don’t know what type of work you’d be doing but “how many days in the office” is a key question if it’s an office job. A lot of office jobs are hybrid working now which could mean living further out where it’s cheaper and having a longer commute in, if you’re happy to work in a small flat.
It’s not cheap living in London apart from the public transport everything is more expensive there.
Personally I would avoid London, there’s other cities in the uk, but it depends what lifestyle you are after.
Very central London is likely to be at least £1300/month for a decent studio/1 bed.

Yes it’s doable. Don’t forget that transport from the outskirts is very reliable but it ain’t cheap.
If it weren't so cold in Canada, I would suggest that moving to live in London would be out of the frying pan, into the fire...
You also have to consider about your potential income after you retire, though of course you then have the option to move somewhere cheaper. Look at your pension entitlement, you may need to be putting money into a 'pension pot' from your income as well as living expenses for the now./
You might find this site interesting: https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country_result.jsp?country=United+Kingdom

We have travelled, and short term lived in a whole bunch of places, and this site has just helped us with the "is this even remotely credible" part of the argument. Of course, a permanent move is different to a few months of handful of years, but some interesting info on there nonetheless.
Renting may not be that easy - in many areas lately, if not most, demand massively exceeds supply.
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