2021 so far.....

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2021 has been the worst year of my life. Diagnosed type1 in january, being dumped by my girlfriend of 6 years and having to move back home aged 30. Today is my birthday and have spent most of the day crying and just in a dark place generally. I don't mean to be a downer just needed to write this down somewhere.
Oh @Type1Pat :( Sending you a massive hug. Sometimes horrible things do seem to all happen together.

Happy Birthday - I hope this is the start of a new positive phase for you. The only way is up, right? Can you think back to other rubbish times and then about the good things that happened after? That’s what I do - to remind myself that good times can come after bad times.

Be kind to yourself. You’re unique - the only person like you in the whole world. Listen to music, watch rubbishy TV, reconnect with who you are. X
Ah @Type1Pat :(:(:(

Sorry to hear you so down.

You’ve certainly been having a rough time of things.

Hope it has helped, even just a little, to share with your friends here. And I hope the new ‘circuit around the sun’ sees things really pick up for you, and that you’ll be able to look back on this difficult period, and see how resilient you were through it. Be kind to yourself. You are important, and you deserve to be happy.

(((( hugs ))))
Ah @Type1Pat :(:(:(

Sorry to hear you so down.

You’ve certainly been having a rough time of things.

Hope it has helped, even just a little, to share with your friends here. And I hope the new ‘circuit around the sun’ sees things really pick up for you, and that you’ll be able to look back on this difficult period, and see how resilient you were through it. Be kind to yourself. You are important, and you deserve to be happy.

(((( hugs ))))
Thank you both for the lovley kind words
Ohhhh Type1 hugssssssss. I hope you have enjoyed your birthday a little bit….and if not you’ve got next year to look forward too, with a new you!
Being diabetic is hard, but theres loads of us on here, your more than welcome to let it all out…….crying is good for you but always remember if you need to talk you just need to let us know, someone will always be here to listen.

Happy Birthday xx
Hi Pat I got dumped by my boyfriend of 10 years last December and had 2 agonizing months of feeling desperately dejected including spending the whole of the festive period totally on my own, so I do understand how difficult it can be. I didn't want the relationship to end but it had turned sour, partly because of my diabetes diagnosis and the amount of time I was needing to cope with it and I was really struggling mentally and was not a fun person to live with at all. In fact I was being pretty horrid. Splitting up made me realize what was more important and that eventually lead to us getting back together after a meaningful discussion about what we both wanted from the relationship. I am not saying the fault was all on my side by any means but the relationship needed to be broken so that we could fix it and it is much better now. I don't know if that helps you at all but I made a real effort to pick myself up after he dumped me, I did more exercise and that helped me feel better about myself and I ate well and I made a real effort with my appearance every day because I was determined to show him that he had made a mistake and it was his loss! I won't deny there were times when I sat in my room and cried but I did my best to put on a brave/defiant face in public. It was good for me to do that for myself as much as to show him.

Hope you find the will to move forward and be the best person you can be and show your girlfriend that she made a mistake in leaving you. Exercise will help, as much as anything because it makes you breath more deeply so if you can get out for a daily walk or run that can really improve how you feel as well as how you look. We all have down times in our lives but they do improve again.
Good luck and a very late in the day "Happy Birthday!" from me too.
This new year and decade for you will be a better one I am sure. Sending (((HUGS)))
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