20 years of type 1 and the best thing I did was...

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
making sure I eat next to no carbs after 5pm so my blood sugar is stable before bed, good nights sleep, nice and low in the morning. And repeat. Simple.. My hbac1 is in non diabetic range and I'm sleeping again.

..even if you're blood sugar is superficially stable after 5pm and you've eaten carbs then you have both insulin and carbs working against you.. take the unpredictability out of it.
making sure I eat next to no carbs after 5pm so my blood sugar is stable before bed, good nights sleep, nice and low in the morning. And repeat. Simple.. My hbac1 is in non diabetic range and I'm sleeping again.

..even if you're blood sugar is superficially stable after 5pm and you've eaten carbs then you have both insulin and carbs working against you.. take the unpredictability out of it.
That's fine if it works for you. What works for you certainly would not work for many others including me 🙂
I try to avoid eating 4 hours before going to bed. I go to bed around midnight and eat tea at 8pm.
I feel more confident if I have no insulin on board which I think of as 4 hours after bolus.
However, I am not strict. I may have an after dinner chocolate or glass of beer.
My HbA1C is also no diabetic and I sleep well but I put that down to exercise, pump and regular testing rather than my meal times (and diet).
I couldn’t do that and I can’t see it working for me. I try to eat my evening meal early so that my bolus insulin isn’t active at bedtime, and so that I can act on any occasional blood sugar weirdness, but I eat carbs. Protein and veg only for a meal just causes a later rise which is a pain in the bum and can mean corrections closer to bedtime.

Eating nothing at all also takes the unpredictability out of it, but I wouldn’t recommend it.

I think the best things I’ve learnt after almost 30 years of tedious Type 1 is that perfection is impossible, obsession is to be avoided, and that there’s far more to life than diabetes.

I eat carbs at every meal and my last HbA1C was 35.
Most working people eat their main meal in the evening as they are at work at lunchtime. Most people with regular jobs don't leave work till after 5pm. So - couldn't work whatsoever for anyone with a normal working life.
Would struggle to find things to eat with next to no carbs, plus no matter what I ate would require insulin anyway.

As rule try not to eat after 6pm, that way bolus insulin is finished before sleep.
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