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Much missed Moderator
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA

What the...? I which I knew how that happened. I just started feeling dizzy a minute ago and took my bloods, I've had no warning at all. I'm waiting for the doctor to call me back to advise, but in the meantime has anyone got any ideas how to get this down a bit?
if not on insulin, glass of vodka........😱
Firstly, particularly if this is unusual for you, check for ketones. If yes, make sure you speak to doc ASAP.

If you're on insulin, take just a couple of units to begin with & check again in an hour. You don't want to take too much & end up plummeting to a hypo.

If you're not on insulin, I really can't advise. My reaction to a high is always insulin.

Either way, try not to panic. BG of over 20 was a regular occurrence for me on MDI. It rarely led to ketones for me, and always came down.

I would agree with Em. But if not on insulin, I would advise to sit tight and let your pancreas bring it down.

Exercise may make yoru liver want to join in the fun. Not sure how it all works with T1.5 but interested to find out. Life is so much easier on injections sometimes.

I'm not on insulin yet. At the moment I'm on Glucophage SR and Sitagliptin, but the Sitagliptin was reduced because I was getting too low last week. My situation is sometimes my pancreas works and sometimes it doesn't, this week it seems it doesn't. When Dr Idiot calls she'll tell me to up the dosage of Sitagliptin again and I'll be back down too low within a week. I'm due yet another HbA1c at the end of the month and fully expect it to be 11 point whatever, for which she'll give me a row because I'm obviously doing something wrong, as it can't possibly be the meds or my pancreas, even less her steadfast refusal to send me to the diabetic clinic from ome properly trained help. Unfortunately for her, I keep a diary of what I eat, when and how much along with a log of the exercise I do every day as proof that I'm behaving myself. I haven't been this high in ages though, that's why I'm so worried.

I tested for ketones and thankfully, there's no sign.
You could probably ring the clinic and get telephone advice and just mention to them that your GP doesn't fill you with confidence.
They may give you a quick appointment to discuss your meds and further advice.

My situation is sometimes my pancreas works and sometimes it doesn't, this week it seems it doesn't...

Wow. Makes me ashamed of all the bleating on I do about D being inconsistent and impossible. Yours must be incredibly hard to manage with any confidence.

Hope you feel better soon.

You may have tried this, but given your unusual circumstances, would it be possible for you to have access to insulin for you to use under GP/DSN guidance and at your discretion when you're pancreas is having an off day? It may not be this simple, but a few units of short acting would seem to be just the ticket if those levels keep up.
Hi Alison,

I can't offer any help I am afraid, but a little sympathy and a hug may help.
I should imagine you feel shocking. I have been in double numbers as a type 2 for 2 days now - and can feel it - so I can only imagine how you must feel.

I am surprised that as a type 1.5 you still don't get the care from your GP you need. I did think it was just type 2's getting a hard time.

I really hope you get things sorted soon.
I've been round and seen a different doctor, he took my bloods, 18.9 then checked to be sure there are no ketones, there aren't. He gave me a shot of something don't know what (he did say but it's failed to register with my braincell, it wasn't insulin) and told me to check every hour until I'm out of double figures. He also put me back on the Sitagliptin at bedtime but only one every other day, and....

I got a prescription for 100 strips! He did say not to count on getting them long term but is going to ask for an appointment for me to see a consultant asap to decide whether I should be on insulin or some variant thereof.
Darn it, Alison :(

I hope you're into nice single figures soon.

Enjoy running your fingers through a bowl of those 100 strips in the meantime!

Wow. Well done Alison.

You've made a type 1 very jealous for the test strips !! :D

Hope it comes down very soon.

I eventually got down to 8.5 and woke this morning at 7.2. I'll have to see what today brings.
Hope you have a better Day Alison.
Much better, congrats! Hope the rest of the day goes well.

I would definitely push for a referral to a diabetic clinic for a DSN. One of my friends has type 1.5, and has a repeat prescription for both metformin and lantus & novarapid. With the support of her DSN, she switches between the two as and when needed.

Big hugs to you - 1.5 must be so difficult! At least I KNOW my pancreas will never produce!
20.9!!!! ARRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!

On my way back round to the surgery now. This is not good.
Hope you get things sorted Alison.
No ketones, and no shot this time but a double dose of Sitagliptin for now and more testing every hour. I have remarkably few symptoms. No thirst, no peeing, no hot feet. Just a bit hot, a bit dizzy and fighting the urge to cry.
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