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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Evening folks, I was diagnosed T2 in late October ‘21 with a HBa1c level of 94. I was showing symptoms of excess thirst/toilet, fatigue and occasional blurry vision, I was put onto metformin 3 times a day and advised to change my ways as my weight, diet and sleep were admittedly terrible.

2 months on I’ve done just that, the usual bad carbs have not entered my system, no bread, pasta, rice pastries etc…, no processed crap, nothing with added sugar etc…, no alcohol. I’ve taken my own approach to the Newcastle Diet, having 2x 250cal shakes a day with a healthy evening meal of around 400-500cals and increased my exercise level. As a result since diagnosis I’ve lost nearly 3 stone (currently 17 stone so still a chunk!) and I general I feel “better”.

Since diagnosis / metformin I found the thirst and toilet frequency stopped almost immediately, I feel less fatigued but that may be because I’ve been taking better care of my self. Shortly after (within a couple of weeks) I started experiencing occasional numbness/tingling in my hands and feet, more so in my hands (my little fingers have gone to sleep just typing this post whilst laying down). It comes and goes, some days worse than others, I wouldn’t say it’s ever particularly painful and I never loose operation, as soon as I drop my hands for example my fingers will quickly return to normal. I’ve also found my circulation isn’t as good and frequently find myself with cold hands/feet when previously this hasn’t been an issue. I’ve also found on the worst days I feel muscular pains in my lower arms and legs. These days have been few fortunately but still of a concern for someone new to this.

I’m aware these can be symptoms of T2, of course this thing doesn’t just turn off with a diagnosis and pills, is this just part of the process or should I be taking further action?

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Whilst you’re right in thinking these can be symptoms of type 2, they can also be symptoms of improving blood glucose. Circulation that’s been under stress while blood glucose is high starts to mend itself as numbers come down, and it can cause the pain, tingliness etc etc.So hopefully it’s a good sign that you’ve improved things, but as always, if it doesn’t settle in a few weeks or months, seek medical advice.
I was diagnosed at a similar time to you @MJT82, and had an HbA1c of 80. I get numbness at night in my little fingers/hand sometimes. I thought it was because I was sleeping and trapping my arm, but from reading Robin's post, maybe it's my body readjusting to lower blood sugar levels. I don't get it in the daytime though.
This is probably a stupid question to ask, but are you resting your wrists on the edge of the table as you type, and maybe slowing the circulation down that way? I used to get cold, numb hands regularly years ago, and bought a foamy wrist rest and the numb fingers stopped immediately!
Congratulations on your weight loss, you're doing really well 🙂
Can I be really cheeky and if you don’t mind ask how old you are? I was diagnosed last September age 38 x
Whilst you’re right in thinking these can be symptoms of type 2, they can also be symptoms of improving blood glucose. Circulation that’s been under stress while blood glucose is high starts to mend itself as numbers come down, and it can cause the pain, tingliness etc etc.So hopefully it’s a good sign that you’ve improved things, but as always, if it doesn’t settle in a few weeks or months, seek medical advice.
Thanks Robin, useful to learn this! Like I say, I’m just trying to learn this new lifestyle, they don’t make it easy when negative symptoms could possibly be a positive! I’ll see how I get on in the next few weeks, thanks again.
I was diagnosed at a similar time to you @MJT82, and had an HbA1c of 80. I get numbness at night in my little fingers/hand sometimes. I thought it was because I was sleeping and trapping my arm, but from reading Robin's post, maybe it's my body readjusting to lower blood sugar levels. I don't get it in the daytime though.
This is probably a stupid question to ask, but are you resting your wrists on the edge of the table as you type, and maybe slowing the circulation down that way? I used to get cold, numb hands regularly years ago, and bought a foamy wrist rest and the numb fingers stopped immediately!
Congratulations on your weight loss, you're doing really well 🙂
Thanks, no I was using my phone whilst laying in bed
Can I be really cheeky and if you don’t mind ask how old you are? I was diagnosed last September age 38 x
No problem, I was 39 last September.

Firstly, I just want to say a huge "WELL DONE" for the amazing way that you have tackled your diagnosis. We all know it isn't easy and particularly at this time of year.

As regards the tingling and pains in hands and feet, it can be caused by improvement in your BG levels reversing some of the damage to nerves and blood vessels, but it can also be a symptom of Vitamin B deficiency I believe. A combination of cutting bread and cereals out of the diet which can be a major source of Vitamin B for many people and taking Metformin which can affect absorption of whatever you are getting from other foods, can mean that vit B injections are necessary in some cases. Might be worth discussing with your GP to see if they will sanction a blood test to check.
No problem, I was 39 last September.
It makes me feel a little bit better knowing there are others out there in a simple situation that are a similar age since being diagnosed in September I’ve lost over 3 and a half stone and lowered my hba1c from 89 to 45 still need to get that down further but have more weight to lose. Was getting a bit panicky last week cos I put 2lb on over Christmas but been back on it since last Wednesday so hopefully will get that back off soon! x
It makes me feel a little bit better knowing there are others out there in a simple situation that are a similar age since being diagnosed in September I’ve lost over 3 and a half stone and lowered my hba1c from 89 to 45 still need to get that down further but have more weight to lose. Was getting a bit panicky last week cos I put 2lb on over Christmas but been back on it since last Wednesday so hopefully will get that back off soon! x
That’s meant to say similar situation lol
Shortly after (within a couple of weeks) I started experiencing occasional numbness/tingling in my hands and feet, more so in my hands (my little fingers have gone to sleep just typing this post whilst laying down). It comes and goes, some days worse than others, I wouldn’t say it’s ever particularly painful and I never loose operation, as soon as I drop my hands for example my fingers will quickly return to normal. I’ve also found my circulation isn’t as good and frequently find myself with cold hands/feet when previously this hasn’t been an issue. I’ve also found on the worst days I feel muscular pains in my lower arms and legs. These days have been few fortunately but still of a concern for someone new to this.
You're doing really well 🙂 As has been said, these are signs that you body is returning to a new, healthier, normal 🙂 I also had the pain and tingles, it's known as 'transient neuropathy' and should disappear fairly quickly 🙂 I also had the circulation issues - even though my diagnosis came at the end of May, at the start of a really hot summer (2008), I actually developed chilblains on my toes! Haven't had that since childhood! 😱 Everything was fine after a few weeks though 🙂 Keep up the good work! 🙂

Firstly, I just want to say a huge "WELL DONE" for the amazing way that you have tackled your diagnosis. We all know it isn't easy and particularly at this time of year.

As regards the tingling and pains in hands and feet, it can be caused by improvement in your BG levels reversing some of the damage to nerves and blood vessels, but it can also be a symptom of Vitamin B deficiency I believe. A combination of cutting bread and cereals out of the diet which can be a major source of Vitamin B for many people and taking Metformin which can affect absorption of whatever you are getting from other foods, can mean that vit B injections are necessary in some cases. Might be worth discussing with your GP to see if they will sanction a blood test to check.
Thanks, again more great info.
It makes me feel a little bit better knowing there are others out there in a simple situation that are a similar age since being diagnosed in September I’ve lost over 3 and a half stone and lowered my hba1c from 89 to 45 still need to get that down further but have more weight to lose. Was getting a bit panicky last week cos I put 2lb on over Christmas but been back on it since last Wednesday so hopefully will get that back off soon! x
That’s awesome progress, really inspiring, well done.

I wouldn’t worry about Xmas, I think we all slack off a bit, I know I did! I took the positive out of it though, I did have a single mince pie as it’s one of the tastes of Xmas and I thought the enjoyment it brought me mentally out played any negatives, also it was a SINGLE mince pie, last year it would have been a box of six between trips to the Quality Street. Xmas lunch was higher calorific than recently but was still low carb and I didn’t slide in a slab of Xmas cake or two afterwards or a couple of festive beers!

Like you, the most important thing was getting straight back on it, not writing the day off as a food free for all but planning that that meal or two will not be the healthiest however it’s just THAT meal, not a green light to write the day off! Strangely / encouragingly I found myself missing and craving my new normal routine.
You're doing really well 🙂 As has been said, these are signs that you body is returning to a new, healthier, normal 🙂 I also had the pain and tingles, it's known as 'transient neuropathy' and should disappear fairly quickly 🙂 I also had the circulation issues - even though my diagnosis came at the end of May, at the start of a really hot summer (2008), I actually developed chilblains on my toes! Haven't had that since childhood! 😱 Everything was fine after a few weeks though 🙂 Keep up the good work! 🙂
Thanks, I’m learning it’s all part of the journey, it’s reassuring that I’m not the only one to experience this.
That’s awesome progress, really inspiring, well done.

I wouldn’t worry about Xmas, I think we all slack off a bit, I know I did! I took the positive out of it though, I did have a single mince pie as it’s one of the tastes of Xmas and I thought the enjoyment it brought me mentally out played any negatives, also it was a SINGLE mince pie, last year it would have been a box of six between trips to the Quality Street. Xmas lunch was higher calorific than recently but was still low carb and I didn’t slide in a slab of Xmas cake or two afterwards or a couple of festive beers!

Like you, the most important thing was getting straight back on it, not writing the day off as a food free for all but planning that that meal or two will not be the healthiest however it’s just THAT meal, not a green light to write the day off! Strangely / encouragingly I found myself missing and craving my new normal routine.
Yeah I felt much better after Christmas when I was properly back on plan! When I was stressing when I got weighed about what I’d eaten my husband was like you need to calm down you were still really restrained with what you had but when you e changed your ways entirely it feels weird to have a couple of small treats that you normally now don’t have at all! I had a slice of cheesecake for pudding on Christmas Day x
And a bet it tasted 10x as good as it was when you ate it three times a week!
I also got stressed about what I ate over Christmas, even though I was reasonably reserved. My problem was that once I started eating more carbs, I really started craving them, which is not a problem if I keep consumption low. I also was tempted to finish stuff that was leftover.... and in particular some soda bread with butter which sent my levels into orbit and refused to come back down, despite 12 units of insulin.... just for 3 small slices of bread!! Bread really is my nemesis! For me the craving is the worst thing to deal with rather than the weight increase and I had 2 days of being really fraught with it and wanting more all the time.
My low carb higher fat way of eating is relatively easy to maintain without willpower, but once I step onto that slippery slope it really upsets my balance physically and mentally. Such a relief to be back on the wagon and tuck into a plate of salad and steak and feel sated afterwards rather than looking for what I could eat next!
I didn’t eat many carbs to be honest at diagnosis I didn’t know how I’d cope cutting them right out (bread, pasta, potatoes, rice etc) but I don’t even look for them now I have brown pasta once a week and I’m content with that I didn’t have the potatoes on the Christmas dinner my husband did me some paprika sweet potatoes to go on my dinner as an alternative it was the slice of cheesecake I was driving myself crazy over panicking that I would push my hba1c right back up again and the couple of prawn vol au vents I ate on Boxing Day
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