1st world problem..........broken mouse :(

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
It's driving me mad!!

It was working fine when I logged off yesterday but it has kicked the bucket this morning. First world problem I know but it's driving me bonkers, especially as I keep reaching for something that isn't there :rofl:

You don't realise how much you rely on these little things until they're gone. I shall replace mousey with a new one from Argos tonight. RIP mousey.
Does it have batteries, and if it has, have you checked them?
If it's an optical house I'd check the battery, too. When mine suddenly dies on me I replace the battery and it springs back into life straight away. There's no low battery warning - it just stops working.
Yep, changed the battery, checked if the drivers were up to date, switched the USB dongle to a different port, did a hard reset. All to no avail :(

Eventually gave in and rang our Service Desk but even our desktop support couldn't think of anything else to try, apart from use it with another laptop, which I don't have.

It's fine, it doesn't owe me anything and has done a lot of mouse miles - it's just so very irritating, especially when I've been asked to finish a PowerPoint presentation this afternoon 😱
We have a small graveyard of dead mice as that is the first thing my OH smashes when he gets frustrated with the computer or should I say computers, last count 9 plus some Raspberry Pis
that is the first thing my OH smashes when he gets frustrated with the computer
haha, reminds me of years ago when my mouse started slowly dying.
One day I got so frustrated I had a hissy fit and smashed it to pieces out of frustation.
No more dying mouse problem, I just had to by a new one 😛
The mouse in my shed has stopped working - he got caught in a trap two nights ago I'm pleased to say, it had chewed through my two tennis rackets my two badminton rackets and a few other things as well. I tried catching it in a trap basket but he just ignored it so we had to resort to a mousetrap in the end.
Clearly you have had the wrong kind of mouse
The right kind will tidy your shed for you
The mouse in my shed has stopped working - he got caught in a trap two nights ago I'm pleased to say, it had chewed through my two tennis rackets my two badminton rackets and a few other things as well. I tried catching it in a trap basket but he just ignored it so we had to resort to a mousetrap in the end.
Ooooh I feel your pain with real life critters. I have rats in my loft and they have been a nightmare to get rid of. Currently on my 4th company coming to do another drains survey. At least the ratties don't appear to be destructive but I remember having mice in the garage at my old house and they destroyed a very nice horse rug by taking out the filling and using it for bedding!!
The mice in our garage nibbled through just about anything they could. Including a 1.5 litre bottle of fizzy water which must have been a shock for them.
Hee Hee! when we very first moved here we regularly used to get field mice and there was a very small hole around where a literally pencil sized gap had appeared in the cement around where the previous owners waste pipe from their washing machine came out and as we'd by then refitted the kitchen and the units had backs and plinths, Micky couldn't get very far one way but the other way there was a nice gap all round where the washing machine fitted under the work surface, so we'd occasionally find the odd dropping until one evening after dinner Pete was washing up and I was drying, tea towel in hand waiting for the next thing to come out of the water - when Micky appeared on the back of the work surface over the washing machine, ran along the back next to the wall past the draining board and the half sink, ran up the pillar tap and along the straight part towards Pete's arms still in the washing up bowl, sat down and calmly washed his face and whiskers. What a cheek - how very dare he!! (just so utterly cute, though)

I had already invested in humane traps and he certainly liked Cadbury's choc buttons so Pete had walked about a mile away before letting him go several times to no avail and I daresay he was expecting some more - but now, this was war so I made Pete go and buy two Little Nippers AND mix a bit more cement up. This was successful. RIP.
Yay, I am once more with mouse! Of the plastic variety. Thought I would treat myself to a wireless keyboard as well while I was shopping

£22 from Argos - can't go wrong :D

I always have wireless mice (the wire annoys me due to drag/snagging), last time I got a keyboard I got wireless too.
It's useful to keep a fresh battery nearby, saves searching or finding you have none just at the wrong moment!
My daughter had squirrels in her loft and they were incredibly noisy, it sounded like somebody was moving furniture. She had to get a man with a trap in the end.
This keyboard needs a clean but dot the diabetes issue I had when testing fingerprick over someone else’s keyboard this week…

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