1st week pumping (saline)

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Carla Potter

Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all,

So I’ve being using my pump with saline since Wednesday and will be using it with insulin from tomorrow.

The first few days of pumping have been overwhelming, to say the least. I think I agree that it does feel like being diagnosed all over again, but when I was first diagnosed I was 11 and I was allowed to leave the hospital with my Mum doing my injections. I can’t even remeber when I started injecting myself.
These past few days I have been a bit of an emotional wreck, my emotions have been all over the place (along with my blood sugar levels)!

I am just so grateful my boyfriend is able to take the time off work to attend the appointments with me and to suport me through this. I would not have remembered the whole infusion and reservoir change by myself. He has been my rock!

I did my 3rd site and reservoir change this evening, the quickest one so far. Most of the time is taken up by me not wanting to release the infusion set, and checking I’m doing it in the right place and panicking (heart pounding, sweaty hands etc. etc.) just a little too much!
Hoping tomorrow’s site change at the hospital will be even quicker than tonight’s, and hopefully next week I will be wondering why I have been panicking so much about it!

I will let you know how I get on using my pump properly with insulin, hoping there will be less emotions involved than the past week!

Carla x
Good luck tomorrow going live Carla - I'm sure you'll be fine. 🙂 I start mine on Thursday. I've got to take the insulin in and I've got an afternoon with the Medtronic rep and that's it. No saline and no follow up as the rep could only do one day. I said yeah yeah, I'll be fine with it. 😱
Well Done you & boyfriend ! It does take a bit of sorting but give it about 3weeks & you will think "Why have I not done this sooner". Good luck for tomorrow 😉
A retired doctor asked me (we were both on a committee at Warwick Uni Medical School overlooking Research applications by students) how long it took me to do my first complete set change - she'd had her pump a couple of years by then, mine was brand new. Ooo-er - about 10 minutes, maybe 15 altogether, I replied absolutely honestly. And I thought that wasn't too bad really, and I was pleased.

How long did it take you? Over 45 minutes she replied! Different, see, when they carry out procedures on someone else!
Thank you for the messages feeling a bit more positive about things today. Managed to do my site change at the hospital in record time today! Had my first meal since using the pump “live” this afternoon and levels are pretty good so far, although I probably still have Levemir in my system from yeaterday.

Good luck @Matt Cycle for Thursday! The Medtronic rep we had for our 2 sessions was lovely.

Thanks all again. Will keep you all updated.
Thank you for the messages feeling a bit more positive about things today. Managed to do my site change at the hospital in record time today! Had my first meal since using the pump “live” this afternoon and levels are pretty good so far, although I probably still have Levemir in my system from yeaterday.

Good luck @Matt Cycle for Thursday! The Medtronic rep we had for our 2 sessions was lovely.

Thanks all again. Will keep you all updated.
Good news Carla 🙂
Glad to hear it went well at the hospital. It does take a bit of time for the long-acting to flush through. I was on Lantus on MDI and that took 3-4 days to leave me (good riddance too).

You'll soon find that the set changes are a doddle. I do mine in less than 5 minutes now, but I still follow the on-screen instructions.
Good luck tomorrow going live Carla - I'm sure you'll be fine. 🙂 I start mine on Thursday. I've got to take the insulin in and I've got an afternoon with the Medtronic rep and that's it. No saline and no follow up as the rep could only do one day. I said yeah yeah, I'll be fine with it. 😱
Good luck Matt for tomo ! 🙂
Hope it went well today Matt!

Glad you are getting on OK Carla 🙂
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