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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Our dsn has suggested we think about a pump for our daughter D, shes only 3 and despite being on MDI her levels yoyo alot its so frustrating, our son has fantastic control on his MDI, we have agreed and she is getting the wheels in motion for one, shes suggested the Medtronic sensor one over the Amias (sp?) i dont know the difference as this is the 1st time ive had to think pump.

My question is, D is only 3 and runs around like a little nutter, those of you with little ones, how have they coped with their pump? do they try to pull at it etc? x
Hi Jimmy's Mum,

I'm a pumper albeit a little bit older than your nippers at the grand old age of nineteen! I started on one a few weeks ago and the freedom it gives me is quite something! I personally use a Medtronic pump. I've had a look at the Roche and Animas equivalents. You really need to look at what's out there. It took me about a year to decide that I wanted a pump and which one I wanted. There are people who use all the pumps on these boards here so you're well palved for information.

I love my Medtronic and frankly I wish that these things had been around when I was diagnosed in 1996. They would have made my life alot better and my quality of life then would have been much better. I remember some really bad times on bimodal and early MDI.

I hope it all goes well and I'm more than happy to give you my contact details if you want to ask me anything.

I have just been on holiday with 40 diabetic children ranging in age from 2 to 15 and lots of the toddlers on pumps - they were very rough and tumble! Pumps are very robust so dont worry. Great news about the medtronic and sensors - I would bite their hands off with an offer like that! We have to self fund the sensors for now as the PCT wont fund - so go for it! If you dont like it you can always go back to MDI (although I doubt you will!).🙂Bev
Thanks Tom & Bev 🙂 ive been reading lots on internet and the brochure our dsn gave us, it looks so good i am so impressed i just hope she gets on with it, fingers crossed she will 🙂 poor thing she hates the injections (she is used to them now but still cries sometimes even though we use penmates) x
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