1st Hba1c result after diagnosis.....

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Was diagnosed as T2 in March with an HbA1c of 80.

Have just got off the phone from the doctors and was told my result was 50. Obviously chuffed to bits.

Any advice on what more I can do going forward other than carry on doing what I'm doing.
Hello @indio02

That's brilliant news! You must be so happy, well done!

What have you been doing to reduce your HbA1c? I think any advice moving forward would depend on what you've been doing so far. For example, weight loss can help reduce your HbA1c, but it may be the case that you are no longer looking to lose more weight and have reached a healthy weight - if that makes sense. Let us know and we can see what suggestions we can make for going forward.

Sounds like you've been doing a fantastic job and you're on your way to remission!
Was diagnosed as T2 in March with an HbA1c of 80.

Have just got off the phone from the doctors and was told my result was 50. Obviously chuffed to bits.

Any advice on what more I can do going forward other than carry on doing what I'm doing.
That's a great drop - well done. Whatever you're doing is clearly working but as Maria says, it's difficult to make suggestions without knowing what you've been doing regarding weight, diet and exercise to get where you are. However, what I can say is that I went from 114 to 56 in 3 months, carried on with my regime, and had dropped to 41 at my next HbA1c 3 further months later.
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well done. Keep going you can do this.
I'm certainly no expert but I would think keep doing what you're doing until your third result. If that's come down further, then fantastic but if it's stayed the same (at 50), then you may need to make a few tweaks.

My original HbA1c was 96, last test was 49, so I'm just carrying on doing what I'm doing and not changing much at all yet.
I'm certainly no expert but I would think keep doing what you're doing until your third result. If that's come down further, then fantastic but if it's stayed the same (at 50), then you may need to make a few tweaks.

My original HbA1c was 96, last test was 49, so I'm just carrying on doing what I'm doing and not changing much at all yet.
Well done Deb you too have had great success.
Well done, that's great.
When I got my hba1c down the only advice I got from the GP was 'keep doing what you're doing.'
Well done, that's great.
When I got my hba1c down the only advice I got from the GP was 'keep doing what you're doing.'
Good for you Well done
Well done!
Was diagnosed as T2 in March with an HbA1c of 80.

Have just got off the phone from the doctors and was told my result was 50. Obviously chuffed to bits.

Any advice on what more I can do going forward other than carry on doing what I'm doing.
Your HBA1c is a "lagging indicator" in that it represent approximately the last 3 months average (that being the life of red blood cells roughly). So even if you just carried on doing what you're doing (whatever that is as you don't say exactly) it will likely still be lower in 3 months time....
Thanks everyone for your kind words!

My main line of attack in this has been to look at my diet. Although I've always had a pretty healthy diet my main problem was portion sizes. I now limit myself to breakfast, lunch & supper and am much more mindful of the amount I'm eating. If I do feel hungry after a meal I wait to see if its genuine hunger or just not enough time for my body to register I've eaten. I now also carry around a 500ml aluminium bottle for water to stay hydrated.

I'm doing much more running but not silly amounts. I find that a 15 minute slow run followed by 15 minutes fast ie zone 4 really makes me feel good. Also 2 moderate 10k's a week and a 1/2 marathon once a fortnight also really help. Currently lost just under 30kg since 1st Jan '23

I've also found that getting good sleep has helped make me feel better. No screens 1hr before bed and a consistent bedtime/wake-up has been really good.
Well done @indio02

Sounds like you have found a set of approaches that are working really well for you. Keep doing what you are doing!
Was diagnosed as T2 in March with an HbA1c of 80.

Have just got off the phone from the doctors and was told my result was 50. Obviously chuffed to bits.

Any advice on what more I can do going forward other than carry on doing what I'm doing.
Congratulations. That is a brilliant result.

I'd say ... Carry on with what you are doing. It sounds like it really works for you.
wow, I cannot help but feel envious that you can run and do run. Well done and Congratulations on lowering your HbA1c
In comparison, I walked around the block with hubby yesterday and we stopped twice. Needless to say, I came back sore and almost in tears as he is quite fit and said "Well my mother did better with her walker....."
I'm doing much more running but not silly amounts. I find that a 15 minute slow run followed by 15 minutes fast ie zone 4 really makes me feel good. Also 2 moderate 10k's a week and a 1/2 marathon once a fortnight also really help. Currently lost just under 30kg since 1st Jan '23
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