1st drs appointment done not sure it was much use.

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Went over family history again, which is complex and may affect certain tests. Weighed and measured height took bp. Overweight not obese which is a relief, bp fine. Has agreed to let me initially try diet managed but to keep a close eye on things, sending letter to nurse re what we’ve discussed for appointing with her next week. I’m a little concerned that she is not a diabetic nurse, but a practice nurse that manages the diabetic patients. This is not a small practice and is in a large healthcare building with other practices so I thought there would be a diabetic nurse.

What do you guys think?

Said may refer to diabetic service if considered necessary.

One good thing FINALLY getting thyroid and parathyroid checks I’ve been wanting done for years!

Headed into town to run some errands, not eaten yet today as was so anxious.
Went over family history again, which is complex and may affect certain tests. Weighed and measured height took bp. Overweight not obese which is a relief, bp fine. Has agreed to let me initially try diet managed but to keep a close eye on things, sending letter to nurse re what we’ve discussed for appointing with her next week. I’m a little concerned that she is not a diabetic nurse, but a practice nurse that manages the diabetic patients. This is not a small practice and is in a large healthcare building with other practices so I thought there would be a diabetic nurse.

What do you guys think?

Said may refer to diabetic service if considered necessary.

One good thing FINALLY getting thyroid and parathyroid checks I’ve been wanting done for years!

Headed into town to run some errands, not eaten yet today as was so anxious.
Practice Nurse is the standard offer from GP surgeries. As I understand it only a few surgeries have an actual DSN, and are unlikely even then to have a full-time one. That's why there is often a recommendation on here that anyone who is not type 2, or whose management of diabetes is complicated and not working while following the treatment and advice given, asks for a referral to a specialist clinic.

Practice Nurses will usually have done some actual training in diabetes management, and there is a requirement to maintain competency, and not give care in which you are not trained or competent, in the NMC code, but it will not be as many hours obviously as a DSN, and they may not have had the time and interest to read as widely as some of us have.
Ok, thanks for that info. Will see how it goes next week. Still feel adrift as far as diet goes, like I’m muddling through possibly unsuccessfully.
I've seen two different nurses at my GP surgery. Both very nice indeed, and did seem quite knowledgeable about the condition. My mother in law is a retired nurse, and she also knows a lot about the condition. I guess initially it's dealt with using drugs/lifestyle changes, which is based on guidelines and 3 monthly checks until blood sugar is stabilised.
Sounds normal, GP practices don’t have specialist diabetes nurses, just a practice nurse who sees the diabetics and is referred to as a diabetes nurse
Ok, thanks for that info. Will see how it goes next week. Still feel adrift as far as diet goes, like I’m muddling through possibly unsuccessfully.
The harsh reality is I don’t think too many of us felt any differently at and around diagnosis.

The added harsh reality is that diabetes is very personal, and for T2 at least, what helps and hinders us is also very personal.

I’d suggest a full food and activities diary for a few weeks to review what your lifestyle and eating revolves around, and ideall do finger prick testing on your bloods. That is the fast-track to grasping things, in my view.

You'll be fine.
Saw nurse today, rather a rushed appointment but she gave me a glucose meter and prescription for strips and several leaflets and printouts to look through. I’ve been out rest of day not long home which meant eating out which I found impossible to follow a low carb route else I’d have starved!

I will get my head around meter and info and she recommended carbs and cals app which I downloaded but just went to use it there and it isn’t free to use so have had to delete I can’t afford to pay for things like that. One of the leaflets was for some kind of online guidance group? And she’s referring me to dietician also.

I feel having the glucose meter will allow me to better learn which dietary adjustments work and which don’t. I think result when we used in surgery so she could show me how to use it was around 15? And she said I need to aim for it to be under 10, I hadn’t had a big meal a couple hours before but perhaps too carby?

I’m already getting fed up of repeatedly eating the same things, will need help to avoid that I think?
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