1st diabetic review

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Jd 76

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Today was my first meeting with the diabetic doctor at my practise, went pretty well as it happens...my Hb1ac 5 weeks ago was 85 and today I got a result of 64. Still a ways to go but happy it's reduced.
Today was my first meeting with the diabetic doctor at my practise, went pretty well as it happens...my Hb1ac 5 weeks ago was 85 and today I got a result of 64. Still a ways to go but happy it's reduced.
Good progress in only 5 weeks as you would still have weeks hanging over from the higher level so as every week goes by a week will drop off from the start.
Congratulations on a great result and keep at it as you are clearly making excellent progress.
Another excellent result! Well done!
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