1st appointment

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Evening all, i have ny first appointment at the diabetic clinic at Farnham hospital on Wednesday afternoon, just wondered what to expect when i get there ? Do they check.you over or just ask questions etc ? Thank you x
Evening all, i have ny first appointment at the diabetic clinic at Farnham hospital on Wednesday afternoon, just wondered what to expect when i get there ? Do they check.you over or just ask questions etc ? Thank you x
On my first appointment they started me on insulin, and explined how to inject. They took bloods, explained what tests they were going to do and got me to speak to a dietician.
Take a notepad!
On my first appointment they started me on insulin, and explined how to inject. They took bloods, explained what tests they were going to do and got me to speak to a dietician.
Take a notepad!
Mine might be a bit different then as was started on insulin when i ended up in hospital, and have already spoken to a dietician on Friday, so will see what happens when i get there. Thank you for the tip re the notebook x
Also, use the notebook to make a list of what YOU want to ask. Its your diabetes!
Or even take a notebook and a friend or relation. Its amazing what you don't hear or remember on such occasions and an independent person can see the obvious when we are distracted by a bit of detail. Good luck.
If you ✻test✻ your blood sugar, it may be worth taking with you your testing kit ..and any readings taken prior to the appointment ..and a list of your current medications.
Evening all, i have ny first appointment at the diabetic clinic at Farnham hospital on Wednesday afternoon, just wondered what to expect when i get there ? Do they check.you over or just ask questions etc ? Thank you x

It’s your appointment. Use it for what you want - it will go very quickly! They usually weigh you and sometimes take your blood pressure. They’ll ask how you’re getting on so have a brief, precise description in your head ready to say, eg “I’m doing ok but keep going low at 2am” or whatever. Take a list of questions and don’t let them talk over you.
Hi @kellie01
I would also recommend take a list of what you want to ask. I still do this after 15 years, and the preparation documents that we are sent before our annual appointments gives Us the opportunity to set the agenda.

For my first appointments I took OH who was armed with my list of questions too. He was then able to remind me of anything that I had forgotten to ask. He also took notes (others now record with the permission of the consultant sought first) so that we could then go for a coffee and review my questions afterwards. I also had the facility to email afterwards with any further questions (And there is always the wealth of experience to tap into on here)

A couple of thoughts:

I found a DAFNE (Dose Adjustment For Normal Eating) course very useful, not only for the information given but also the chance to talk to others living with T1. Your area are likely to offer something like this.

When first diagnosed I was on tiny doses of insulin and I found having a half unit pen made it a lot easier to adjust my doses.

I look forward to hearing how you get on.
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