1st anniversary tomorrow-feeling uncertain.

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Little Miss Chatterbox
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Can the ones amongst us remember what they did on there first year of being diabetic and also ones who maybe just had there own, i know many have put up what there going to do if anything and i know some treat it as another day but mine is tomorrow and because it is my first i have no idea how im going to be with it all i do know is im not doing anything special for it i have had the idea that im going to have the first ever meal i had on the day i was diagnosed which was chicken stir fry lol hope that dont make me sound silly.I know myself better then anyone of course and i am quite an emtional person i just dont want to spend the day reminising over the past year, after yesterdays appointment at the doctors i dont feel an awful lot has changed my hbA has gone up and my meds are not doing the trick so how does that show me the first year has not been a whole waste of time , do you get how im thinking at the minute the only thing i can pick out that cheers me up is the fact i have this place to turn to...Please stop me now or i'll be breaking down before long lol.I hope i have not made myself sound like a total moron.
In our family on the anniversary of something happening we work out what else has happened over that year. Most years we have more nice things happen than bad things happen. I am always pissed off round the anniversary of my diagnosis as I found out just before easter 2006 and was dead scared to indulge in my favourite treat.

Think of the positives, we have lots of friends here being one of my favourites.
In our family on the anniversary of something happening we work out what else has happened over that year. Most years we have more nice things happen than bad things happen. I am always pissed off round the anniversary of my diagnosis as I found out just before easter 2006 and was dead scared to indulge in my favourite treat.

Think of the positives, we have lots of friends here being one of my favourites.

Thanks caroline I will try just got to keep busy etc.If i sit down and think about it to much that will drive me potty.
Hi Steff, usually a whole year has gone before I realise and I haven't celebrated as such. Don't be downhearted about the past year as far as treatment and management goes - it's early days yet and at least it will provide information about where to go from here. As Caroline says - think positive - perhaps how you would like the next year to be. There's nothing daft about celebrating with the same meal, and we all need a treat now and then. I hope you have a nice day. :D
Steff, even if the past year has been crap as far as your treatment is concerned one thing you can congratulate yourself on is having joined this forum as the people here are probably the most helpful and supportive bunch you could ever hope to meet.
Hi Steff, you're obviously going to think about it as it's been preying on your mind for a while, so any attempt to ignore it will fail. So, I'd say look at all you've learned, look at how you've coped, think about the times that went wrong and how you recovered from them, and think about the good times and laughs with your new friends here.

Although you may feel you've not achieved what you'd hoped for, you have come an awful long way and you've done a helluva lot to help others who now find themselves in the position you were in a year ago. I'd say be proud of yourself, mark the day with a little something special and say 'right, that year is gone, now I'm ready and prepared to do my best in the year to come. Perhaps have another read of the Gretchen Becker book and see how you fit in with how she describes that first year.

And do come in here and let us know how you feel, you know we are here for you🙂
Don't feel bad, you've made it through!!

Steff, it's a rotten aniversary to have! Mine inconviently also sort of coincides with getting a year older too. Yeah, i was really miserable on my first aniversary, it just makes you focus on all the diabetic stuff again doesn't it? Everyone's right, don't focus so much on the bad stuff but on the good stuff.
You've "met" all of us, you wouldn't have done that otherwise right?
Your diabetes is under much better control than it was this time last year, i bet.
Maybe you're healthier
You've made it through the first year and if you were anything like me, there must have been times when you doubted that that would ever happen.
One year on and this stupid disease hasn't sent you completely loopy, right?
Congratulations, you're a fighter.:D And thanks for all the help, support and advice you've handed out to all of us (including me) over the last six months...

Thanks everyone i will re-read this tomorrow it will cheer me up xx
Hope tomorrow is not too bad Steph. Alex chose to ignore his anniversary as he said he didnt want to celebrate a time when he was 'normal' - but he is 11 and thinks of things in a very different way. Whatever the day brings I hope you find some peace.🙂Bev
I don't know how I'll feel when I get that far, I hope Ill be congratulating myself on a job well done, as I think you should Steff.
stay positive Cuz...look at what you have achieved xxx
Like you said Steff, you know you best even better than you, well thats what you said about you knowing you...

Do what you do try and be positive, you have come a long way, I would try and not dwell on it and crack on with something called life, but as this part of life not sure!

Hope you don't get down, hope you have a good day.

Happy dayz :D
its really hard isn't it? :(

but you'll be ok. Just dwell on the positives rather than the negatives, giveyourself a treat for having done so well over the past year.

I know I'll be having cake on sunday. Lots of cake. :D
not a good start been up since 5 woke to a 15.6 reading ate then tested and was up to 21.5 not really going t help my mood latest test at 07.54 was 16.1

*finds a dark corner*
Hi Steff - blow those nasty bs's! They are coming down though. If the weather's not too bad up there, a walk might make you feel better and bring the bs's down. Hope things get better for you during the day. Big hugs anyway!
Hi Steff🙂

I think you are like me - glass always half empty kind of girl- I get a bit of positivity from my nurse then trawl these forums and find people with lower levels being told off by their team and go into panic mode! Sometimes I think I need to worry to keep me focused on the job, but then my happiest times are when I forget about diabetes. It does take time - give yourself a break and the new meds a chance to work - you give others on here such encouragement - let us do the same for you eh?:D Remember you are year into finding the right treatment - it hasn't been a waste at all😉

Big hugs Steff xxx
Hi Steff,
I was dagnosed on my husbands birthday (this year will be 2 years for me). I'd keep to a pretty normal routine, you've done really well in the last 12 months. Have your review and then have a little treat!! If not a favourite meal, how about a manicure and pedicure 🙂

We always go out for hubby's birthday, even did the day I was diagnosed - even thought this was a blur for me. Last year I went out and had a Thai meal.
Hi Steff, hopefully the day will not be as bad as you imagine. Can you give yourself a treat this afternoon - go shopping or manicure/massage what ever makes you feel good about yourself.

The first year is never easy, there is so much to learn and come to terms with, along with working out what medication is right for you. Please cont be too hard on yourself. You give so much support and so many smiles to us all on here.

Big Hugs

I cant help it with a hyper first thing is just seemed to make it worse hun,i dont really get alot of support out of the house and i dont talk to my family .Im going to take myself to the swimming baths with my son after his school day finishes.
A hyper first thing wont have helped at all. I wish I could come down there, give you a proper hug and take you out for a coffee or something.
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