?1m an hour 'lottery' of NHS diabetes care

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Thousands of people with diabetes are being failed by ?shocking variations? in NHS treatment, warn MPs.
The overall picture is of ?poor, fragmented, expensive and patchy care? despite ?1million an hour being spent on diabetes by the NHS.
A new report by the All Party Parliamentary group for Diabetes (APPG) says failures are leading to devastating complications such as blindness, amputation and stroke, and premature deaths.

It found almost half of people with diabetes in England are not getting the nine annual checks recommended by the NHS, with some areas providing barely one in 20 patients with the whole range of checks.
The figures are worse for children, said the report, as 96 per cent don?t receive all the annual routine checks they should.
APPG chairman and Torbay MP Adrian Sanders said ?Diabetes is one of the greatest challenges we face, yet diabetes healthcare is poor, patchy and expensive and too many people with the condition are not getting the care or support they desperately need.

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