18 - 25 year old type 1 Diabetics

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Is there any young adults on here suffering from type 1 Diabetes? If so why don't we all share our stories, you never know of the outcome we could help each other successfully 🙂 I also don't mind hearing other stories I just wanted to grab the attention of young adults in the title!

My Story:
I have had type 1 Diabetes for 7 and a half years now. When I first got told I was Diabetic it was a shock, the only time I had heard about it was on Coronation Street that year because it had just been brought into the story line and even then I didn't have a clue about what it meant, I was also the only one in my family with it so a lot of research was done.

The first few years I was a terrible teen not only did I find out I had type 1 Diabetes I also started my period so as expected my horomones were all over the place. I ended up pushing away my family and friends and falling into depression, which sent me back to hospital. After a lot of care and as the years went on my Diabetes seemed to become more controlled and I accepted it more.

However the last year I have gone straight back to square one...high HbA1c results, feeling tired all the time and I have been admitted into hospital twice this year due to high readings. They have suggested I try 'carb counting' which is where I count the carbohydrates in each meal/snack and adjust my insulin units to the grams of carbs i.e 10g of carbs is 1 unit of insulin. I feel as though this hasn't worked because last week I was rushed to hospital again so I am now planning to ask about the insulin pump and gain more help with controlling my carb counting because when looking at reviews it seems to work for a lot of young adults.

I do feel low again as it seems to be controlling me rather than me controlling it and so I have decided to sign up to this site to try and get help and meet people who are going through the same thing. I hope to meet new people not to just talk about Diabetes but someone to relate to as well as talk about interests and take our minds off the fact of having Type 1 Diabetes.

Shell 🙂
everyone here knows my story and its been documented well enough on my blog...but long story short, d for nearly 15 years, had epic rebellion at uni with hba1c's off the chart...now i'm suffering for it with peripheral nueuropathy and eye issues at the age of 22 :(
This diabetic didn't fall too far from the diabetic tree. :D

Brought up knowing about D as my uncle has it. When i was 11, my mom was diagnosed. At 15 she reconised the signs and i was diagnosed.
Took to it like a duck to water, no probs. At 18 found alcohol. Didnt mix well with D, ended in hospital. Never touched alcohol again... Oh. hang on.. This isnt alcohol annonimus is it....? 😱 😛 (Sorry)
Started to get D back under control, well never really been out of control. but i am trying to level it off for when i start TTC. I like D TBH, as if it wasnt for me having D, i wouldn't have met my amazing OH (Also D)

Akasha 🙂
This diabetic didn't fall too far from the diabetic tree. :D

Brought up knowing about D as my uncle has it. When i was 11, my mom was diagnosed. At 15 she reconised the signs and i was diagnosed.
Took to it like a duck to water, no probs. At 18 found alcohol. Didnt mix well with D, ended in hospital. Never touched alcohol again... Oh. hang on.. This isnt alcohol annonimus is it....? 😱 😛 (Sorry)
Started to get D back under control, well never really been out of control. but i am trying to level it off for when i start TTC. I like D TBH, as if it wasnt for me having D, i wouldn't have met my amazing OH (Also D)

Akasha 🙂

How did your meet your OH?
My history is also on my blog 🙂

The main details go as follows: diagnosed aged 2 in 1991, stayed on mixed insulin until the age of 18 when I switched to MDI. MDI worked okay but over the pasy year or so I have been having a lot of issues overnight and with dawn phenomenon, and I finally convinced my team to let me trial a pump, which I am still doing today. I'm currently pushing my team to apply for funding for a pump for me.

I didn't have a rebellion stage (I'm far too boring for that haha). My hba1cs were always in the 7s on mixed insulin and went up to the 9s on MDI - I battled to get it back down to the 7s where it still remains.

edit: I too met my partner because of D!
He was on the same course as ShellyB, to set up support groups for 18-30 yr olds.
I was the only one that turned up to his meetings.... 😱
He was on the same course as ShellyB, to set up support groups for 18-30 yr olds.
I was the only one that turned up to his meetings.... 😱

Romantic, do you test and inject together?????

And do you argue over whos right, in the diabetic context of course!!
Well, Moreso now that we live together.
He has quite a sweet tooth, so we have had words when i found him with is hand in a box of dollymix sweets. 😛
Yeah, just sorted out the stock piles of needles, and insulin and test strips... lots of medicines.
Romantic, do you test and inject together?????

And do you argue over whos right, in the diabetic context of course!!

God! I dread to think about the fights if Caz (my wife) was diabetic too hehehe 😱
Well im 21 got it nearly 5 years ago, i was 16.
Thought only greedy people got Diabetes, and only knew about it through that film panicroom or something.

I have never been back to hospital for anything to do with diabetes, but if you go to a&e with anything they think its diabetes.

My HB1ac has never been over 8, and is now 6.2.

Im having a baby, i never thought i would with diabetes the whole sex thing was something that seemed like a pain. Then you meet the right person and well it just works.

Me and baby are doing ok so far.

Never had an issue with rebelling or anything i was very mature at 16 anyway, and my mum was helpful but didnt get it at all in anyway, she still doesnt.

Id rather not have it, but it has made me who i am, i dont hate it its part of me now. xxx
I'm 23, I was diagnosed when I was 6 (apparantly I was trying on some leggings and my Mum all of a sudden realised how skinny I had become and rushed me straight to the doctor lol!)
Had good control until my early teens. Then my blood started yo-yoing! Everyone (including my DSN and doctors) assumed I was eating badly and not injecting (although I did have issues with injecting at school in sixth form and would rather miss lunch than inject! But most of the time I was trying really hard to get my levels under control!) I have had DKA 31 times! :(
I moved hospitals when I went to uni and at first my DSN was sceptical when I explained that although I tried really hard my levels were all over the place. But then earlier this year I had a CGM fitted for a few days and it turns out I have insulin resistance so now people finally believe its not me! And now I am waiting for a pump although they are currently having issues with funding. Hubby is going to write to the funding people to have a moan, hopefully will all be sorted soon!
I'm hoping to try for a baby once my pump is here and my levels are improved.

So thats my story! 🙂
Diagnosed at the age of 2.5.....nearly 19 yrs ago!
Since then, life's been far from straightforward....however, been greatful for being a diabetic during this time as treatment has taken a big leap...hopefully we'll c the cure during our lifetimes.

I'm 18 years old, but I was diagnosed March this year at the age of 17 with type 1. So far, so good. My last hba1c was 7.2 down from 16.9 at diagnosis. Currently at uni, and have just about managed to get myself sorted what with the change of routine and everything.

Vicki 🙂
I'm 23, I was diagnosed when I was 6 (apparantly I was trying on some leggings and my Mum all of a sudden realised how skinny I had become and rushed me straight to the doctor lol!)
Had good control until my early teens. Then my blood started yo-yoing! Everyone (including my DSN and doctors) assumed I was eating badly and not injecting (although I did have issues with injecting at school in sixth form and would rather miss lunch than inject! But most of the time I was trying really hard to get my levels under control!) I have had DKA 31 times! :(
I moved hospitals when I went to uni and at first my DSN was sceptical when I explained that although I tried really hard my levels were all over the place. But then earlier this year I had a CGM fitted for a few days and it turns out I have insulin resistance so now people finally believe its not me! And now I am waiting for a pump although they are currently having issues with funding. Hubby is going to write to the funding people to have a moan, hopefully will all be sorted soon!
I'm hoping to try for a baby once my pump is here and my levels are improved.

So thats my story! 🙂

Sounds like you have had a hard time but are getting there.

Being pregnant is really hard, but on the plus isde your more looked after if your a diabetic, other people get left to it ,dont know how they cope.

Persil your hba1c drop is amazing, go you!!!

Ive just gone 20 and was diagnosed earlier this year in July. After being unwell for a week I suddenly got worse over the weekend. By the tuesday I was practically non responsive as I had gone into Ketoacidosis. I was in hospital for a week and was told I was lucky to be alive.
Now three months on Im getting to grips with the testing 5 times a day hopefully will bring that down when I can figure out how much carbs I need for the day. Im still not on the Basil Bolus yet :( so I'm getting pretty annoyed with meal times.
My DSN has said I am doing great atm as Im still in the honeymoon period and will find out my hbac1 result next week, cant wait 🙂
I was diagnosed last year at the age of 20. Just came back from Florida and drank about 6 bottles of the robinsons squash you add to water in 2 weeks.
Carried on feeling thirsty back home and had lost around 2 stone (thought it was the wii fit that'd helped me!). Parents realised something wasn't right and took me to see the nurse, my BS was over 20 and my keytones were ++++.
Had to wait to see a GP and she gave me a letter and told me to go to hospital asap. Stayed overnight whilst they lowered my sugars & keytones and was injecting the following day and allowed to go home.
Been a human pin cushion ever since 🙂
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