18- 21 year old vtype 1s?

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Hi holly I'm 20 and was diagnosed just under a year ago, when were u diagnosed? ; )
Hi Emmal31,

I was diagnosed at the age of five. I'm now eighteen. If you want to ask me anything I'll do my best to answer. If you want to talk give me an MSN and don't be shy about asking anything.

Tom H
im 19 and i was diagnosed 8 years ago. it took me 5years to say iv got diabeties and iv got to live with it. i do find it difficult from time to time to keep going and i ended up in hospital 6weeks ago with DKA because i let me hair down a little to much! i wont be doing that again in a hurry!
hiya, i'm 19 and i was diagnosed about 2 months ago...still tryin to get used to it.
hiya, im 20 and was diagnosed last month think im just gettin my head rounnd it all!!

Kerri x
Hi, Im Georgie. This feels a bit weird, sure I use the internet, facebook hotmail etc but Ive not tried online discussions before. So I was pleased when there was a 18-21 group, although Ive just turned 21 so im feeling old.
I wondered how people with diabetes at our ages view the role that it plays in their life? I mean, does it bother you, do you think you're different, do you find it annoying, do you have to remind yourself you have it, do all your friends know you have it?

Im not really sure I meant those all to be leading questions, I guess Im just a little interested to see how the answers would compare with other and me.

oh p.s. Type 1 diabetes since nov. 2000 so just over 8 years, wow Ive never thought about it being so long. times flies.
Hello, Im 19 had it 3 years on the 26th.
To answer some of Georgie questions, Most of my friend know i have it, they do not understand anything at all about it but they know.
I blame my diabetes for things thats just me and has nothing to do with it.
It does annoy me but, i love bieng different.
I'm 22. so apparently i'm really old :( I knew this moment would come soon enough hehe.

Hey, im 18,

will have had type 1 diabetes 4 yrs on the 18th of this month

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