16 years!

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Today marks 16 years since I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes
It was Bank Holiday Monday in 2008 and I'd been very sick from a virus throughout the weekend, hoping I would get over it in time to fly out to Stockholm to run the marathon there on the Thursday
Sadly, not to be as I was still in hospital 8 days later - hadn't realised how ill I had become
My BG on admission was 38 mmol/l and my HbA1c was 13.8%, or 127 mmol/mol
Full-on DKA
They also thought I had suffered a heart attack

Nothing but praise for the NHS staff that looked after me and put me on the road to recovery
Sadly, over the years I have witnessed first-hand how the services the NHS has been able to provide have declined as Tory austerity and underfunding bit

I've been very fortunate to have the support of many, many people in the diabetes community, either online or in person and I will forever be truly grateful for their kindness and advice
This Forum started four months after my diagnosis and has been instrumental as a source of friendship, support and information, I think I would have felt very isolated without it, and I hope I helped others find that same support and reassurance as I did in the years since 🙂

I am now 6 years overdue for the Cure I was promised (they said 'within 10 years'), but the technology and knowledge have improved tremendously , and it's now much more straightforward to manage
Nonetheless, it is something that is with you every minute of the day and night, which I think is impossible to appreciate if you have a healthy, fully-functioning pancreas. It is manageable though, for me, thanks to Banting and Best's discovery of insulin just over 100 years ago

Counting down to my Nabarro Medal in 34 years time 😱 :D

Congratulations on your Diaversary Alan and many thanks for all you have done to enable this forum to be what I consider a world leading comprehensive resource for those of us living with diabetes. I genuinely do not know how I would have managed the last 5 years without it and all the wonderful members here.
Goodness, if you’re 16 years, I must be 17, doesn’t time fly! It took me a while longer to join the forum (I didn't appear til 2015, though I had been lurking for a while).
Happy Diaversary @Northerner .
It was very isolating without the forum, so well done for getting this going and for all the help and support you have provided along the way. Such a good source of info and support as well as friendship.
16 years?? That can’t be right. the cure is only 10 years away, after all!

Congrats on your diaversary, and massive massive thanks for the huge contribution you made to shaping the forum, and making it the helpful and friendly place it is 🙂
Wow, time flies when you’re...Type 1!
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