16 8 diet.

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi everyone,
I want to loose weight and stay healthy. Just had my bloods back which are all good baring 1 but says expected. But I'm 15st 5lb and just want to stop eating at night so I'm starting my fast from 6pm till 10am ISH. Finding it ok. Is it harmful for us or beneficial. TYIA. ❤️
Hi everyone,
I want to loose weight and stay healthy. Just had my bloods back which are all good baring 1 but says expected. But I'm 15st 5lb and just want to stop eating at night so I'm starting my fast from 6pm till 10am ISH. Finding it ok. Is it harmful for us or beneficial. TYIA. ❤️
It can suit some people but fasting can lead to higher blood glucose readings as the liver releases glucose in the absence of food hence why some people see higher fasting /morning readings than they do during the rest of the day.
Depending on people's routine it is normal to have a 12 hour period of not eating overnight between dinner and breakfast.
Have you tried other strategies like low carb or low calorie or the soups and shake regime.
No reason for it to be harmful unless you are taking some medications.
We are not snackers in this household, so very rary eat between evening meal and breakfast.

One of the important things about adopting a 16:8, 14:10 or whatever you choose is that if you just eat the same amounts of the same foods, but just in a shorter time frame, your weightloss is likely to be minimal to zero.

Do you take any medications that have to be taken with foods, that might be impacted by your proposed strategy?
I don’t think there’s any clear evidence that intermittent fasting is better overall than other weight loss strategies, but we certainly have members for whom it has been a helpful and effective strategy.

There are lots of different options and alternatives when it comes to weight loss, and the most important thing I think is finding something that works for you, gives you the results you are looking for, and that you can sustain to avoid going on the loss/regain roundabout. 🙂
I suggest you have a good look at the Time Restricted Eating page on the Freshwell Low Carb website. The GPs explain as clearly as possible why 16:8 is a good idea. There are two excellent diagrams showing it leaves time for 'fat burning' and losing weight between meals.

Zoe Harcombe gives a full explanation of weight loss in her article, What should we eat?

As It happens I have followed 16:8 (lunch, dinner) since December 2022 reducing weight by 22 kg to get back into my old trousers I last wore 40 years. I have now adopted Harcombe principles for maintaining weight. Interesting to read last night Freshwell also advocates one meal a day, two days a week. I had started doing that last month, not difficult.

Although going without food is in our genes, I strongly advise you to discuss this with your medical team then come to your own conclusions.
I've only eaten twice a day for many years.
I've never been a fan of breakfast (I'm soooo not a morning person). I tend to start the day with 1 or 2 coffees, then when I feel like eating I have a late, or a very late, or a super late breakfast 😎
Then I have an evening meal depending on when I feel hungry. There is just me here, so the timing only needs to suit myself.
I don't believe there is any real scientific proof that fasting helps with diabetes but probably won't do any harm. I would just reduce your carb intake as carbs are the overall cause of high BS and weight gain
I eat at about 12 hour intervals as I found that until I ate in the mornings my BG went on rising, presumably thanks to my liver wanting to be helpful.
The pause in eating seems to work well to allow things to normalise, as the modern regime of meals and snacking almost constantly is - I suspect - doing us no good at all.
Testing BG throughout the day whilst trying out various ways of eating is probably the easiest way to sort out what suits an individual best, as we are all different.
the modern regime of meals and snacking almost constantly is - I suspect - doing us no good at all
This is so true, and sadly snacking was always my downfall. I'm going to have to be strict with myself so I don't fall back into bad habits.

As Drummer says, we are all individuals. Experiment and see what eating habits suit you best as a long term sustainable change.
I don't believe there is any real scientific proof that fasting helps with diabetes but probably won't do any harm. I would just reduce your carb intake as carbs are the overall cause of high BS and weight gain
I adopted 16:8 for its practicality (time saviing) and regarded bodily benefits as a bonus. I occasionally skip lunch for the same reasons, and it helps to maintain my 'natural weight' llke 5:2.

Here is an assessment of the science https://zoe.com/learn/is-fasting-good-for-you
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