15weeks pregnant and going on a pump

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all,
i am 15 weeks pregnant and on Monday i am going on a pump not sure which one yet. During pregnancy i have been unconsious twice and been admitted to hospital with low blood sugars 1.1
I am sure i will benefit from a pump but not sure what to expect. Some people have been saying that i know that they know people on pumps that have sensors on them and alert you when your sugar is high or low. That will be brilliant for me.
Any tips or advice would be much appreciated.
Hi Emma,

It's Medtronic pumps that have sensors linked to them. It's definitely worth asking your team if they could lend you a CGM for your pregnancy (or at least part of it?), but they are very expensive to fund and have no NICE guidelines so the reality is they are hard to get hold of (unless you can self fund, which is expensive).

Please throw as many questions at us as you like 🙂
Good luck Emma 🙂

I've gone through 2 pregnancies on a pump - sadly the pump didn't stop me hypoing badly and coming round to see little green men forcing more glucogel down me, so don't expect miracles! Having said that, for me the bad hypos eased right off at about 16 weeks, so hopefully you'll find the same happens.

I've only used a CGM for a short while (1 sensor) but it definitely helped, and given that you're already pregnant and going onto the pump I'd think they might be willing to do the double for you...fingers crossed!
been loads more better since i been on my pump dont know whether it is the pump or like you said after 16 weeks sugar tends to rise a little.
I have a medtronic minimed and i love it so easy to use. got my 20 wk scan tomoz
Emma x
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