14 years today

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
14 years ago today I was being rushed to hospital with DKA after throwing up all over my class at school. I'm sat here thinking way too much about it, about what life was like beforehand. I was a typical kid, coming home from school and delving into the sweet tin. It was such a shock finding all this out, despite a three week stay in hospital (I was very very ill...doctors told my mum that had I not gone into hospital there and then then I wouldn't be with you all now...)

14 years on and I'm staring nueropathy in the face, i've been through huge struggles with it and I've come out of it almost scar free. I'm still learning about things, I'm still learning how to carb count and most of all I'm still earning how to deal with it all.

Most of all, in the past 15 years I never thought I would meet another individual with diabetes (the guy at uni doesn't count...he wasn't very nice) and then I found you guys. I just wanted to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for being so helpful and supportive. I couldn't have done it without you 🙂

I'm not sure whether celebrating is the right word...but I will be having cake at some point today. The biggest gooeyest chocolate cake I can find...
Gawd Salmonpuff you've got my mouth watering!

I can't imagine how you must have felt as a kiddo but it's scary enough being diagnosed at 37! (although not as ill as you beforehand). Glad you found support here...i've picked up lots of tips so far so it's been well worth coming.

Happy eating x
Congratulations are due as you are still here 14 years on

Thanks to you too for all your support Sam

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Hi Sam,

Hope you're okay today, maybe it can be your D rememberance not celebration!??

Take care and I'm glad you're looking positively.

I think it should be called the 'Pooped Pancreas Day':D

Two thirds of your life, where you've made daily adjustments so you can enjoy all the other things that you love in your life Sam - you've achieved an enormous amount in that time! Diabetes may have reared its ugly head more than once, and sometimes roared and frightened you, but you have thumbed your nose at its crude nastiness and got on with living your life. I think that is worth celebrating!:D
I think it should be called the 'Pooped Pancreas Day':D

Two thirds of your life, where you've made daily adjustments so you can enjoy all the other things that you love in your life Sam - you've achieved an enormous amount in that time! Diabetes may have reared its ugly head more than once, and sometimes roared and frightened you, but you have thumbed your nose at its crude nastiness and got on with living your life. I think that is worth celebrating!

Northe, you have just given me the perfect title for my dblog later on 🙂

you're totally right. Way to put things in perspective 😉 it's gotten in the way more than once but i've learned not to let it...darn it, I worked in archaeology and thats awesomeness.

Now where's the cake!!!!

rossi_mac said:
Hi Sam,

Hope you're okay today, maybe it can be your D rememberance not celebration!??

Take care and I'm glad you're looking positively.


Thanks Rossi, yeah I'm alright. Just a bit well...thoughtful. I think remembrance is probably the right way to go. Remembrance with cake. Yes 🙂
Hi Sam you know I had mine Friday and without the words of comfort and support i dont think id of coped half as much, I guess all i can say is thank YOU for all the support you have given not only me but many others to xxxx
Hey Sam, this photo of the Rosetta Nebula was taken on February 14th 1996. I also realised that that was the day I broke my arm!😱

Hey Sam, this photo of the Rosetta Nebula was taken on February 14th 1996. I also realised that that was the day I broke my arm!😱


what a pretty picture!!!!!!! I might have to save that, its gorgeous.

we must be like...twins or something 😱 *offers you cake*
what a pretty picture!!!!!!! I might have to save that, its gorgeous.

we must be like...twins or something 😱 *offers you cake*

Slurp! Thank you! I was encased in plaster from my neck to my wrist for 12 weeks!😱
...Most of all, in the past 15 years I never thought I would meet another individual with diabetes (the guy at uni doesn't count...he wasn't very nice) and then I found you guys. I just wanted to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for being so helpful and supportive. I couldn't have done it without you 🙂

Dear Sam,

I think that you have provided support for others and many here have been uplifted by your help. So, if you don't want to celebrate your anniversary so be it but have a bit of cake for me! My 16th anniversary passed last January 6th and I never gave it a thought, I wish now that I'd remembered it with a small Danish pastry

Warmest Regards Dodger
Congratultions Sam. You've achieved so much in 14 years, you should be proud. Enjoy your cake, you really do deserve it!
Blimey Sam! If you overinjected for THAT I bet you've emptied your fridge of all that insulin!😱:D
Blimey Sam! If you overinjected for THAT I bet you've emptied your fridge of all that insulin!😱:D

lol i didn't have the whoooooooole thing, just a bit 🙂

I'm STILL 3.7

time for toast 😱

i feel like I've done nothing but eat today lol
Wow good cake! And good on ya for 'celebrating'! I hope you got your blood sugars back up!

It's a funny old feeling on those anniversaries... Mine's coming up too, and no doubt I will post as well. It dredges up all sorts of old feelings.
Quite a few of us have had anniversaries these past few weeks, mine was the 7th. I hope that you were able to not feel too down, more reflective maybe. And that cake looked yummy!
I think Sam over injected accidentally on purpose so she could have more cake to compensate for it...:D
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