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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Today I've been struggling with rapidly rising levels and I just couldn't get my head around it. Everything seemed fine.

But then, after being sent hime from work due to just feeling awful, sick dizzy etc, I get home and do a full check. Cannula bent out of all proportion. Awesome. By this time I was up at 24.0. Jabbed with pen now and changed cannula but jeez.

I guess this has taught me to remember to take spares of everything with me. The day I didn't have any spares, this happens. I feel really stupid. And dyu know the worst part is? I have a funny feeling my manager is going to end up taking me into a corner and having a chat with me about it - she let me go, rather grudgingly.

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awwwh honey :(
that totally sucks, im so sorry this happened to yah :( 24 makes u feel so awful doesnt it x
and that manager sounds like she needs to learn some compassion, maybe with a slap on the face from me
awwwh honey :(
that totally sucks, im so sorry this happened to yah :( 24 makes u feel so awful doesnt it x
and that manager sounds like she needs to learn some compassion, maybe with a slap on the face from me

thing is, she's normally so nice - if a little er...what's the word I'm looking for? sarcastic at times. She did ask me to call her as soon as I got in and let her know I got back ok which I did, and she said to just chill and have a good weekend etc. But monday is my first day on a full time contract...and I can't afford to be doing things like this :( I was a bit shocked when she was all grudging, even if she was rushed off her feet y'know, maybe a bit of compassion would be nice. Didn't help that our resources department were chasing because I wasn't on the phones
If she's not normally like that Sam, then I wouldn't read too much into it. I have had bosses who were brilliant but then sometimes a bit off with me - you never know what else might be on their minds, could be nothing to do with you at all! Hope you are fighting fit for Monday - well, before actually, so you can enjoy the weekend! 🙂
Try not to feel too bad Sam, these things happen! It's not like you did it on purpose! I agree with Northerner. I'm sure it'll be okay.

Hope you feel better soon!
Like the others have said , try not to worry too much it could even just be because its friday and nothing to do with you at all , It wasnt done delibrately on your part and weve all been there done that with forgetting to take spares im one of the worlds worse !! , you just concentrate on getting yourself back on track and dont worry 🙂
Oh poo. There's nothing worse than a dodgy cannula sending BG high, it's so damn frustrating!

Hope you're feeling better today & are managing to enjoy your weekend.

As for the dodgy reaction from your manager - don't let it bother you. Either she was having an off day, or she doesn't have the same compassion as you and me (& everyone else on here, I hasten to add!), and therefore can't be as happy with herself as we are with ourselves 🙂

More hugs to you!
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