12 more years for lifer

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
A man already serving life in prison for murder has been sentenced to 12 years for his part in a beating that left another inmate permanently disabled and unable to care for himself.

Colton Patchinose was one of eight Milner Ridge Correctional Centre inmates arrested following a December 2009 attack that left Kent Wilson suffering catastrophic physical and mental injuries.

Wilson is diabetic and was just returning to his cell after receiving his daily insulin shot when he was attacked. Wilson was housed in a different range than his attackers and was in the habit of giving them ?the finger? as he was escorted from his cell each day.

The day of the attack, the eight accused inmates were exercising in a locked gym room when they saw Wilson escorted from his cell for his insulin shot. One of the inmates pressed an intercom button to talk to a guard who then accidentally tripped the lock to the gym door.

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