100 Days To Christmas


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
The year just seems to have disappeared in my unrelenting round of appointments. And. to my surprise, I was reminded it is only 100 days to Christmas. Before than I have seven birthdays needing cards.

Christmas will be home alone for the fourth year. The card list is also quite short as so many people have walked away since my amputation. It's not that I have really changed but a combination of people not coping with illness/dyability and for others beong too much bother. Oh well, not true friends then!
100 days to Christmas?..I better start thinking about what I'm going for my brother & sister...they are so difficult to buy anything for....or I might do what I did last Xmas and give them £100 to spend as their Xmas present.
100 days to Christmas?..I better start thinking about what I'm going for my brother & sister...they are so difficult to buy anything for....or I might do what I did last Xmas and give them £100 to spend as their Xmas present.
We have said for a few years we wouldn't do presents for the adults but guess what had happened, every time/ we all get something for the adults anyway. I was really touched last year when my eldest grandson who had just started earning bought really thoughtful presents for everyone.
We do a family Secret Santa, with a maximum spend per person, using the drawnames Secret Santa App.
it’ll be here before we know it!
it’ll be here before we know it!
My wife has already received a Xmas Catalogue from The Cinnamon Trust, where she's a volunteer dog walker for people who are unable to walk their dogs themselves. Next up the DUK Xmas Raffle dropping through our letterboxes?
The recent Balance magazine had a catalogue in, which included cards.

< shudder >

I have a list of things I want to make to gift this year, so I'd best get cracking......................... soon.
Will you be getting a prosthetic MB? Nowadays the things seem to be really high tech and have a really quite cool sci-fi vibe, like being a cyborg. I have a titanium dental implant but that doesn't really have the same cred.