10 Years!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Good grief, where has that gone?! It was on the morning of 18th July 2012 that we received a phone call from the GP surgery 5 minutes after they opened, to ask us to bring our then 6 year old in at 11am to see the doctor, having had a blood test the previous day. That was the longest 3 hours of my life, she was clearly very sick then and getting visibly weaker almost by the minute, when she asked me if I could carry her to the toilet “because it’s too difficult to move” I could have howled! Hubby had to carry her in to see the doctor, she barely had the energy to stand up never mind walk, all glucose tests were off the scale and we immediately got referred to hospital where we got the diagnosis which changed our lives. Although by then it was no surprise to me, my daughter remembers quite vividly that she was the one who was deathly ill and I was the one in tears!!

Now she is 16 and is having an extra long summer break after finishing her GCSEs and we are having another anxious wait for the results! She has had quite a few other problems over the last couple of years (thankfully now improving), diabetes has been the easy bit through that although probably only because we’re used to it now. She said to me a couple of days ago she doesn’t really mind having diabetes, she can’t really remember not having it. Which is sort of good I suppose. Anyway I’m under orders to buy some doughnuts when I go shopping so that we can ”celebrate”! 😛
Now she is 16 and is having an extra long summer break after finishing her GCSEs and we are having another anxious wait for the results! She has had quite a few other problems over the last couple of years (thankfully now improving), diabetes has been the easy bit through that although probably only because we’re used to it now. She said to me a couple of days ago she doesn’t really mind having diabetes, she can’t really remember not having it. Which is sort of good I suppose. Anyway I’m under orders to buy some doughnuts when I go shopping so that we can ”celebrate”! 😛
I love the doughnuts idea good thinking 🙂
I have the same attitude as your daughter re the diabetes and like her do remember my diagnoses all those years (57+) years ago.

Good luck with the exam results.
I told mine that it really did not matter if they passed every one with distinction (they did) or failed every last subject, whatever happens we will sort it out together. It made both of them stop suddenly, and think about that rather than going on worrying.
I told mine that it really did not matter if they passed every one with distinction (they did) or failed every last subject, whatever happens we will sort it out together. It made both of them stop suddenly, and think about that rather than going on worrying.
Ooh I wish we could have that attitude, she desperately wants to go to college and do A levels though so it’s hard not to be anxious, don’t know what will happen if she hasn’t got the required grades. She should have been able to get all good grades easily but the problems the last couple of years have sort of put paid to that, hopefully she will still get what she needs though. But it such a long wait, she did her last exam on June 23rd and the results come out on August 25th!

PS we got pink iced doughnuts and they were delicious, albeit the icing was melting a bit in the heat!
Many congratulations to you all for achieving that milestone. There has no doubt been a lot of thought, effort, worry and frustration to get to this point, so a little celebration is definitely earned. Pleased you enjoyed the doughnuts. Did you have ice cream with them?
I would expect that the next 10 years will be a little easier, not least because the technology is improving all the time and of course because you have all that experience behind you to draw from.
Fingers crossed her exam results are everything she hopes for and good luck to her for the future. I am sure managing her diabetes has taught her many life skills which will probably stand her is as good stead as her exam results.
Congratulations to you daughter on 10 years @Sally71
Ooh I wish we could have that attitude, she desperately wants to go to college and do A levels though so it’s hard not to be anxious, don’t know what will happen if she hasn’t got the required grades. She should have been able to get all good grades easily but the problems the last couple of years have sort of put paid to that, hopefully she will still get what she needs though. But it such a long wait, she did her last exam on June 23rd and the results come out on August 25th!

PS we got pink iced doughnuts and they were delicious, albeit the icing was melting a bit in the heat!
I married in my first year at polytechnic to someone in his last year, and found that I was expected to go out to work to keep us until his results came and he found a job as something professional - unfortunately he found that he'd failed and so I went on working whilst he went back to studying.
When he did get a degree he never came back, but by then I'd got a house, motorbike, guitar - a life - and I was studying with the Open University. I have a B.Sc. from them - paid all my own fees and expenses too.

There is always some way to advance things, no matter what happens.
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