10 years on insulin now I'm off it Yayyyyyyyyy


I wanted to share a quick story about myself and some exciting news I had received a couple of weeks ago.

I have been diabetic for coming on 10 years in that time I had more Dr & Nurses than I had dinners. ( For some reasons they all leave after 6 months

Within that time I was told I was Type 1 put on insulin and pills etc.
But around 3 years ago after a number of tests I was told I was in fact Type 2 not Type 1 as previous thought and it all changed again different Dr etc etc.

At this point I was like I give up if they don’t care why should I ( I think we are all guilty of that in one way )

I then got a new Nurse and even a dietitian in 2020 that understood my vegan diet as she was vegan herself the other dieticians I had in the passed kept telling me I have to eat meat, dairy etc there was no way I was going to do that I told them that at the time they refused to help me if I was not going to follow there plans that involved eating meat etc.
Anyway the new dietician she put me on a strict low carb healthy diet then covid came and I was ferlowed from work and I reverted back to my old ways.

Start of 2021 I was back to work and was give the advice to start to be good or I go blind ( a scar tactic I think ) as it worked I got back on the healthy eating getting fit riding,swimming,walking,running,kayaking.
My last 3 HBA1C results
64MMOL. 16 October 2020
68MMOL. 16 February 2021
37MMOL. 25 May 2021
WHO recommend 48mmol as the diagnostic cut off for type 2 ( I’m at 37mmol )

Due to my levels being good my nurse took me off insulin and I had to do check for a week for when she calls me back she would then decide ifs was to come of insulin or go back on.
That week was the longes ever I had it in my head that I was going to go back on there insulin I even made my self sick thinking about it.

I got that call this week on Tuesday.
My levels have risen a little from my normal daily average of 5.1mmol across the day to 6mmol but she gave me the news that I wanted to hear I no longer need to take insulin as long as I keep the health eating and keeping fit and I will be tested etc in November.

Since March 2021 I have gone from 15st 1lb to 12st 11lb a total loss of 2st 4lb with my goal set at 12st 10lb
I have 1lb to go yayy
My BMI says I need to be 9st 6lb - 12 11lb so as it stands I'm at the top of my range.

They all so say leave the best to last so hear goes haha
I have spent years trying to scuba dive I managed to get my ticket 3 years I am now still diving and still active and now not letting Diabetes run my life I run it my mental health is in such better shape I can sleep I don't get the horrbal headaches that nothing helps and no more going to the fridge at 3am and eating everything in site then thing omg what I done.

If anyone has any advice or what I should do next please let me know I would love to hear from people.
Sorry to keep talking thanks for reading
Hi CarlG, this is such an inspirational story thank you so much for sharing.
It sounds like you had a challenging time tackling your diabetes and it is always difficult when your diagnosis changes. It's great to hear how hard you have worked to overcome your diabetes and be in control with the right support.
I hope you keep up your scuba diving, what an amazing sport! Have you got any plans to scuba dive this year?
If we can support you in any way, please reach out to us. We have a range of diet plans and recipes which are suitable for vegans if you need more inspiration. You can access these here: https://www.diabetes.org.uk/guide-t...ooking-for-people-with-diabetes/vegan-recipes

If you would like to, it would be great to share your story with our team here too: https://www.diabetes.org.uk/your-stories

Thank you so much for sharing Carl and do reach out if we can do anything more.

Well done you need to keep this up
Hi CarlG, this is such an inspirational story thank you so much for sharing.
It sounds like you had a challenging time tackling your diabetes and it is always difficult when your diagnosis changes. It's great to hear how hard you have worked to overcome your diabetes and be in control with the right support.
I hope you keep up your scuba diving, what an amazing sport! Have you got any plans to scuba dive this year?
If we can support you in any way, please reach out to us. We have a range of diet plans and recipes which are suitable for vegans if you need more inspiration. You can access these here: https://www.diabetes.org.uk/guide-t...ooking-for-people-with-diabetes/vegan-recipes

If you would like to, it would be great to share your story with our team here too: https://www.diabetes.org.uk/your-stories

Thank you so much for sharing Carl and do reach out if we can do anything more.

Hi Josie
I have use the recipes and they are really good.
I was hoping to be diving somewhere warm but due to the pandemic Im staying in the uk. I will be diving on the South coast as well as Norfolk and also Scotland this year and some in land water ways.
I have got some great advice and dive locations from a FB group that I started Diving with Diabetes.

I would be happy for my story to be shared with the teams would you want me to send it over to them or is this something you would do.
Hi Carl, what an inspirational story, you've struggled but persevered and come out a winner, so well done!
Hi Carl. I am thrilled for you . Well done
As others, I am very impressed. Well done and thanks for sharing your inspirational story.
Well done @CarlG
My advice would be ‘more of the same’. Your story is great to read. Thank you.
I look forward to hearing more from you.