1 week in!

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
After almost a year of trying to obtain it, I started pumping last week. Ups: BGL of over 33mmols, lows: 2.5. Scary even when you've been diabetic since you were 5 :(

I've used the shoulder holster, belt clip and an iPhone sock to experiment with different ways of transporting it, and have named it (him!) Percival the Pump. Getting used to having it around and really like the freedom of not injecting, but I have some questions for the experienced among you...

I've got the DanaR, and it's taking me ages to do a reservoir and cannula change Is this "normal"? Presumably it gets quicker? I'm off work at the moment but when I go back I'm going to have to plan my mornings slightly differently if I can't speed things up! 😱

How often do people test their blood when they're used to it? Will I need to do more than 6 or 7 a day? Don't mind, but I'd like to know...
Great news Nat, hope the relationship with Percival is a long and happy one! 🙂 I don't pump, so can't answer your questions, but I'm sure someone will be along soon who can.
Hi Nat,
Changing cartridges etc will soon speed up, so don't worry. Remember you can't walk before you run. :D
Testing ! Only 6 or 7 tests a day is that all? :D
Fairly soon you will need to do some basal testing and that will involve a lot of testing and repeat testing to make sure you have your basals correct.

I was going to have the DanaR, loved it as a cracking little pump, unfortunately though I can't see the screen symbols very well :(
Hee hee, when I had mine, a lady I know (she's a retired medical researcher from Warwick Uni) who has had a Medtronic pump for a few years, asked me how long my first cannula change took. I said about half an hour and a lot of sweating. She said that wasn't bad. It took her 2 hoursthe first time apparently!! She said she had to read then re-read the instructions about 27 times before she could pluck up the courage .....

I just went, Oh sheet, best just take a deep breath and go for it .... you are utterly convinced it will really hurt even though you tell yourself you had all those jabs and they didn't.

Within a month or 6 weeks it was down to a couple of minutes and to be honest, the main amount of time I spend is in undoing clothing and shoving it out of the way to get at the bit where I'm going to put it. I reckon about 90 secs now.
Hi Nat,

The medtronic rep gave us dvd's with a demo of him changing his, it was really useful and it still took me a while to crack but now can do within minutes as walking out the door(well nearly!)

Finger testing...I found I was doing loads 1) to second guess the pump, I was scared it may not be working, plus my doc scared the bejesus out of me with the higher risk of DKA. and 2) because my doc was asking us to do basal testing in the first few weeks.

I now test waking bg, prior to meals, bedtime and any time I feel iffy and obvs prior to long journeys!

Hope that helps but don't forget everyone is different and its what suits your needs and gives you the confidence to 'pump away'!
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