1.9 - lovely!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just tested and got 1.9. I am fully coherent (have just had a conversation with someone which went fine), walking, talking, doing all the good stuff.

At 1.9 😱

I tested as my eyes 'wobbled' (the best way I can describe it!) when I got off the bus and got the 1.9. Am currently munching my way through a packet of dextrose.

What concerns me is my lack of awareness. Sure, I felt a bit funny as I said, but not this low. I thought maybe I would be in the 3s. Seemed I skipped them and went straight for the 1s!

Rant over. Not a happy bunny, although I am still quite cheerful!
rougue reading......cool......regular occurance...........cut back on the insulin...for a good while..........😱
Might have been a slightly dodgy reading? I thought I was losing my hypo awareness recently as I have been having 2.x before noticing, but then the last two days I have noticed a 3.8 and a 3.9! Fickle diabetes! Hope you are feeling fine for tomorrow! 🙂
Poor you Shiv! I had a 1.9 once and only felt it after I saw it on the meter 😱

Problem is, i think sometimes we dont notice we are low if we are caught up doing something? Hope you are feeling ok now. x
Think I have just been busier on my feet than normal today. Such is life. Northe - not a rogue reading, took me 8 dextrose to get up to 3.8, still munching on them, will test again soon!
I guess the blood in your brain had more glucose in it than the stuff in your fingers! Hope you feel better soon, and that your liver doesn't bounce you into double figures after your evening meal.

I guess the blood in your brain had more glucose in it than the stuff in your fingers! Hope you feel better soon, and that your liver doesn't bounce you into double figures after your evening meal.


Thats interesting Mike...i wondered why this happens.

Hope you are feeling better Shiv. I too have been at work before now having a seemingly coherent conversation with a CPS Lawyer to find out my BG was 1.6 😱 Not good.

As North said diabetes is so fickle. Sometimes you can feel shaky at 3.5 and other times be skipping the light fantastic at 1.9. I wonder though, if Mike has answered this point? Also sometimes, i can test my BG at 6 but just know its dropping only to find 10 minutes later it being in my boots!

Keep chomping..or perhaps stop now...kebab sounds like a good idea 😉😛:D

Bernie xx
As North said diabetes is so fickle. Sometimes you can feel shaky at 3.5 and other times be skipping the light fantastic at 1.9. I wonder though, if Mike has answered this point? Also sometimes, i can test my BG at 6 but just know its dropping only to find 10 minutes later it being in my boots!

Yup I'm certainly familiar with that one... seems to me that often it's not only the actual level, but also (and sometimes more) the rate of change that fires my warning signs.

I've also had brushes with pretty low figures (2.x) and been quite lucid. Other times completely doolally at 3.x... I'm sure though that blood is not a completely uniform homogenous liquid and that the level in your fingers is not necessarily the level in your brain.

I also know that my liver is more likely to kick out some glucose if I've had a lower low. Part of the body's emergency measures of course, but still frustrating if the message takes so long for Mr Liver to pull his finger out that you've already treated the hypo perfectly well and end up rocketing into the teens :(
Just tested and got 1.9. I am fully coherent (have just had a conversation with someone which went fine), walking, talking, doing all the good stuff.

At 1.9 😱!

1.9 is extremely low to still be coherent as you were. Did you find that once you tested and got that low reading all your hypo symptom's suddenly hit home? although I still retain good hypo awareness, occasionally I have had the odd hypo that's passed me by and only after testing and finding I am low do I start to sweat and become disorientated. Strange thing this diabetes! Toby.
Well, I have just tested and am 2.5, despite just replying to several posts and chatting to my dad and stepmum on the phone. Sorry to all if it was gibberish! 😱
occasionally I have had the odd hypo that's passed me by and only after testing and finding I am low do I start to sweat and become disorientated. Strange thing this diabetes! Toby.

One of Northie's 'Shroedinger's Hypos' :D
Wow that's a interesting theory there Northerner! Can't remember the thread now, but I mentioned in one of my posting the other day that it is strange why I sometimes feel the need to do a bg test even though I am obviously hypo, it seems that only by confirmation of the low can I indulge in something sweet. Makes no sense whatsoever and is a waste of a good test strip, but time and time again I will do the same again!:( Toby.
Wow that's a interesting theory there Northerner! Can't remember the thread now, but I mentioned in one of my posting the other day that it is strange why I sometimes feel the need to do a bg test even though I am obviously hypo, it seems that only by confirmation of the low can I indulge in something sweet. Makes no sense whatsoever and is a waste of a good test strip, but time and time again I will do the same again!:( Toby.

I have to agree with this too 🙄 it is a waste isn't it but i am guilty of this!! There are those rare occasions though when i can be off the mark as i may just be 'tired' or having a 'moment' just because thats what it would feel like to be normal. Another strange theory of mine but nevertheless.....blooming diabetes!!

Bernie xx 🙂
I don't test when I KNOW I'm hypo. Like when i'm shakey/sweaty/pale etc - The last thing I'm thinking of doing is testing in that situation. But sometimes it's difficult to tell whether it's a hypo or if you feel a bit weak or something...

I totally get the Schroedinger-hypo thing :D Sometimes once you test and SEE you are hypo, you suddenly start to feel the symptoms. Or do you...
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