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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Im still up at this time thanks to high blood sugars!!!
Still waiting for them to come down so testing every hour. I would go to sleep & set my alarm but I usually sleep through it. Bloods at 15.9 now... did go down to 14 but for some reason have risen again even though I've not eaten any thing....

Im soo fed up now... starting to go back to the "i dont care about my diabetes" me =(
It just wont come down!!!! I dont know what to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 16.2 Im testing half hour to hourly.
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I hope you managed to get some sleep. I find this happens to me sometimes. A little meditation or tai chi help me, but I know not to everyones taste. They are at least quiet and don't disturb anyone else!
Lou - hope you have a bette day today and are not too tired after staying up half the night.
Morning Lou hope your numbers starte behaving themselves and you got some shut eye x
morning loubie dont give up !! you doing so well xxxxx these are blips im sure but keep at it girl xxxx good luck sweetie xx

Oh no poor you. Hope you are ok and that you got some sleep.

What did you have for dinner last night?

Don't forget that when you get to those levels you are probably insulin resistent so may need more to bring you down than your usual correction dose. I'm not suggesting you start rage bolusing or whatever you all call it but just be aware.

This is just a blip Louise, no need to panic, you will have greats days, good days, not so great days and s**t ones so take the bad with the smooth and all is well.

I had chicken goujons and chips. small portion
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