This is NOT medical advice forum!

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Well-Known Member
The star of Silent Witness and The Normal Heart was ‘the popular kid’ until an autoimmune condition turned her life upside down. She talks about her lonely childhood, her flourishing career and the battle she can’t abandon

Liz Carr's "Better Off Dead" BBC Documentary about assisted dying and medically assisted suicide or "euthanasia" issues concerning disabled people and wider public debates

Not Dead Yet UK Disability activists opposed to suicide

"Me Before You" Hollywood Studio film promoting mainstream ableist narrative about disabled people being better off dead met with controversial response and public backlash from disability rights groups and campaigners

I would like to think that this forum has enough mature adult members to hold space for civilised debate and discussion about very emotive controversial issues and subject matter, and I highlight that reporting, censoring and "shutting it all down" here just means that these public dialogues continue elsewhere and all of the public domain materials remain accessible for everyone to view regardless of kneejerk emotional backlash or "shoot the messenger" responses - free speech in democracy means having to hear and listen and be confronted by things you don't always like or agree with, but that's the price of freedom our ancestors have fought for, thanks for your consideration.
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