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Well-Known Member
So now there is no hope of getting any sort of help from NHS ( mine anyway Surrey) what you supposed to do? I give up.
Sorry to hear you aren’t able to access the help you need @spell

Are there specific challenges you are facing with your diabetes management?

It’s always worth looking for the smallest glimmers of hope - especially when things feel darkest.

Do remember that the Samaritans are always available to talk with you - especially if you are reaching the end of your resources. Calls are free on 116 123

Or check out Mind, the national mental health charity
Using this tool
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Do you have the means to pay? I paid for counselling and it helped a lot. I think I’ve mentioned that before. The counsellor also gave me a discretionary discount when they saw I was on a low income.

Thinking on what you’ve said about things before, do you have any continuing contacts from that time? Anyone you could ask about organisations or charities who might be able to offer some help? (If it’s related to that)

If it’s general stuff, MIND has some helpline suggestions here. Sometimes just having someone listen can help:

Hi @spell sorry to hear that you are struggling.
I don’t know whether this link will help, but it tracks my progress through the counselling that I had when I hit burnout. I know that we are all different but I hope that there may be something useful in there.
So now there is no hope of getting any sort of help from NHS ( mine anyway Surrey) what you supposed to do? I give up.
Hello @spell,

Sorry to hear that you are struggling. Please feel free to use the following links above or send me a PM.
Do you have the means to pay? I paid for counselling and it helped a lot. I think I’ve mentioned that before. The counsellor also gave me a discretionary discount when they saw I was on a low income.

Thinking on what you’ve said about things before, do you have any continuing contacts from that time? Anyone you could ask about organisations or charities who might be able to offer some help? (If it’s related to that)

If it’s general stuff, MIND has some helpline suggestions here. Sometimes just having someone listen can help:


Is it related to the diabetes or more general?
Diabetes only. I hate it, I'm not interested in it and will not engage with it anymore. Failed at something I didn't ask for so f*** diabetes
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@spell I know you’ve heard this before here - and probably from me - but you don’t have to be interested in diabetes at all. I’m not. I hate it with a passion. I wish it would *@#& off and I never had to think about it again. But, I’m damned if I’m giving in to it!

We all have to do annoying precautionary things in life - checking we locked the front door, putting up smoke alarms, getting the car MOT’d, wearing a seatbelt, keeping our online passwords safe, remembering PINs, etc. It’s all tedious in varying ways, but it’s all to keep safe. I know we have extra c**p to do - and a lot of mind-numbing stuff to think about every single day - but if you can see the diabetes as part of that group of Things that Need Doing, it helps a little, I’ve found.

Don’t think about it too much. I hate it but I don’t sit here seething and plotting against it. It’s a waste of my mental energy and I won’t give it the satisfaction. I think about things I choose to think about. Yes, I do need to think about carbs and insulin, but I keep that routine, like remembering to brush my teeth. It’s just a chore.

You look after yourself. I know you don’t post here often but you have support here. Don’t let it grind you down. Keep it at bay and you can live with it.
Time to disconnect with this disease.

Hang in there @spell

It’s not uncommon for many people to have a MH slump in Jan/Feb. You’ve shared some of the MH struggles you have faced in the past, but you have found ways of making it through those despite not having the support you would like. You are clearly a strong and determined person. And you have strong feelings and ferocity about your diabetes that you can channel into keeping it in its place.

Keep going. Do what you can. Things will get better.

You can always talk to the Samaritans. As a reminder, the number is 116 123, free, and available 24/7

You can also contact your local Mental Health Crisis team. NHS England has a tool to find the service near where you are

We are rooting for you and want you to make it through this.
It always has and always will be bu**s**t, you either can or cannot deal with it.
The job of type 1 is to kill you
It always has and always will be bullshit, you either can or cannot deal with it.
The job of type 1 is to kill you

The first bit is true - kind of. You can deal with it or not deal with it, but there’s also a middle way: deal with it just enough.

Type 1 has no job. Yes, it used to be terminal before the discovery and purification of insulin, but it’s not now. It’s a pain in the bum, yes, but we can live with it. You can live with it by paying lots of attention like some people do - recording every blood sugar, every meal, every snack, creating spreadsheets, uploading data, etc etc, or you can do what most people do, which is do enough to get by.

I know you’ve had your heart issues, but there must be things that bring you pleasure. Focus on them and do just enough to keep the diabetes in check.
I’d also add - have you thought about or been offered a loop @spell ? That might help remove some of the mental burden of it.
I'm just living on background insulin from my pump so I don't have to do anything anymore. So happy days
Tame it,how the hell do I do that?

Do enough to control it roughly. Eg take your bolus too. If you find bolusing through the pump fiddly, use a pen. If you eat similar breakfast and lunch each day, it’s not much work to whack in however many units of bolus you need. Put aside the intricacies like bolusing X amount of minutes ahead of your meal and just take the bolus. I’ve no idea what you eat for breakfast, but keep the same each day then you don’t have to think anymore than you have to think to take out a bowl or plate for your breakfast - toast on plate, whack in your X units, eat.
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