workplace discrimination

  1. M


    Hello, I'm having a lot of trouble at work in regards to my diabetes. I've even had a letter from my doctor, and yet they are still arguing. The problem is I'm not asking for any ammendments either! I was diagnosed when I was 18, I'm now 28. I've had 5 blood tests which have all been...
  2. R

    Indirect discrimination at work

    Hello. I’m in the process of a grievance at work, which has been raised due to a few different issues but one of them is me being denied Diabetes appointments and also asked to change the days to my day off (even though they are appointments to see my consultant who only works certain days). I...
  3. J

    Discrimination at work? Need advice please

    Hello I am new here. I am type 1 diabetic, have been since 2 years old. Fairly well controlled as a whole. Sorry this is long and may not be in the right thread. Worked with currently employer for 5 years and they have been aware of diabetes from the start. Unfortunately I had a crash in a...
  4. D

    Do you know your rights at work?

    Hello! Do you know your rights when it comes to work and diabetes? When you’re allowed time off for your appointments, what adjustments your boss can make, when and where you can inject if you take insulin? And has anyone used the Diabetes UK Advocacy Pack to help answer some of these...
  5. D

    Hassle from work over absence due to diabetes

    Hi guys, I’ve had to phone in sick to work a few times over the past four months due to high blood sugars. Manager was quite abrupt on the phone today asking if my condition is likely to affect my attendance in the future (well yes it’s likely to). I was wondering if anyone knows if it is...
  6. G

    Type 1 and employment discrimination

    Hi all I’m wondering if anyone can offer any advice or support? I have been a type 1 diabetic since the age of 7 (am now 29) and have always tried to work a normal and healthy life. However after having Diabetes for 22 years does unfortunately have an effect on your health, and as a result...