• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.


  1. Anna DUK

    Women's Sexual Health

    Research Participation: We are now helping a study to recruit women to take part in an online survey to gather their experiences of talking about sexual health in the clinic. See the link below for more details and how to take part...
  2. RebeccaSpencer

    Are you a woman with type 2 diabetes? Tell us about your views on taking part in cancer screening in a research interview.

    We are looking for women with type 2 diabetes, who are aged 50 to 74 and live in England, to take part in a research interview about their experiences of and views on cancer screening (please see the below poster). If you are interested in the study and might like to take part, please contact...
  3. CosmicHedgehog

    Hormones! Women help! Men may want to look away.

    So i have been having problems with hormones for the last few years.. It seems to be getting worse as i'm getting older. I have an imbalance and was told my testosterone was slightly high and female hormones were a bit low... This has caused acne (started when i was 30)I'm now 36. I have this...