
  1. wik1a

    *SURVEY CLOSED* Predictors of psychological functioning among adults with Type 1 Diabetes

    Many thanks to everyone who helped me! Survey is closed and I can start the next step - statistics ;) _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Hello! :) My name is Wiktoria and I am a second-year master’s degree student in psychology at...
  2. Laura Jackson

    Fellow Type 1's: If you haven't done so already, please help me get my Masters and take my survey!

    Hi guys I posted this last week and over 50 of you helped me out so thank you all so much! I now only need 20-30 more participants to do my survey. My name is Laura Jackson and I need my fellow type 1's to spare 10 minutes to do my online questionnaire. It's on resilience, mindfulness and...
  3. E

    Opportunity to take part in UCL research

    Dear Diabetes UK members, I am a researcher from UCL's department of Behavioural Science & Health. I am looking for women (aged 18+) to take part in a Health and Lifestyle Attitudes questionnaire. The questions will relate to your diet, physical activity and general health attitudes. You can...
  4. C

    My university dissertation!

    Hey everyone! My name is Charlotte and I'm a third year Psychology student in USW. I'm doing my dissertation currently on the factors that influence wellbeing in parents of children with Type 1 Diabetes (I have a 10 year old sister with Type 1). It just takes 5 minutes to fill in my survey and I...