weight management

  1. M

    Study: ‘gamechanger’ diabetes drugs cost up to 400 times more than needed

    Drug companies urged to ‘release stranglehold’ on medicines such as Ozempic and Trulicity, as millions are priced out of treatment https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2024/mar/28/drug-companies-diabetes-drugs-medicines-ozempic-trulicity Global Development section of The Guardian...
  2. M

    Beaten down bloody broken bloated, but not dead yet

    At breaking point with NHS "healthcare" bods having meetings about me without my involvement, many pressing personal problems pushing me backwards into old behaviours of comfort eating, fallen off wagon on "weight management, diabetes management" front, have tried to talk to friends and family...
  3. M

    NHS Type 2 Diabetes Path to Remission Programme - Updated September 2023

    Apologies if this info already appears on the forum, but as newly diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes forum newbie, I am also posting to publicly thank and show gratitude to the amazing work done by Diabetes UK Northern Offices AKA "Our Friends In The North" who have immense knowledge, tips and sage...
  4. M

    Sweet and sour: how slavery, fake science and the love of profit got Britain hooked on sugar

    "Doctors have been warning of the health risks from sugar for almost 400 years. Here’s how we still ended up consuming so much of it..." - Author Pen Vogler...
  5. M

    Chromium Supplements to manage blood glucose and assist with weight management?

    Open question from newbie currently taking Metformin every day as prescribed by GP - what do people managing diabetes currently think about the supplement Chromium Picolinate which claims to lower blood glucose levels and curb cravings/suppress appetite similarly to Metformin? Has anyone here...
  6. LilyJeffery

    Opportunity to participate in research exploring T2D lifestyle behaviours for remission (short survey) (UK-based)

    Are you living with Type 2 Diabetes, in the UK, and interested in taking part in a short research study? My name is Lily Jeffery, I am a post-graduate student at Manchester Metropolitan University, completing a MSc in Human Nutrition. I would like to invite you to take part in a short survey...
  7. ColinUK


    I just went to one for the first time in living memory! Nothing too ridiculous but 15 mins treadmill, 10 on the x-trainer and then some very low weight chest press and even lower weight shoulder press. And I’ve booked a space in a yoga class next Wednesday evening. :)
  8. ColinUK

    Weight loss ups and downs - 800 Calorie - Newcastle

    Diagnosed last week. In a rather unsatisfactory manner. (See my Bit of a Shock) thread in Newbies. I’ve been 16st something for a while now and I know I really needed to shift at least three stone... worth noting that max weight over the last four years has been recorded at 17 1/2 stone. Just...
  9. L

    I've been recently diagonised and I'm terrified I'm going to die young

    I can't stop crying. I've tried so hard to keep myself healthy and would only snack in moderation. I feel like I'm forever cursed. I'm scared I'm going to die before I'm 30. I know I will because I'm handicapped, yes, I can do things but I can't cope by myself, I find cooking so complicated and...
  10. N

    Over Weight but cannot exercise for very long

    I have been type 2 for more than 6 years. To cut a long story short, my most pressing concern is weight. My blood sugar is well controlled. I have CKD and that is one of the causes of lower legs swelling. My Doctor is not happy to continue water tablets as they effect the kidneys. I weigh 108Kg...
  11. R

    Diabetic parent risking his health :-(

    My father is T2 diabetic, diagnosed 16 years ago. He is 63 and I am 36. Over time his condition has progressed and he is now on insulin injections and has circulation issues in his feet. With this being the case I find it incredibly frustrating that he behaves as though he doesn't have the...