
  1. K

    Diabetic retinopathey and vision help

    Hi all, First post and I am looking for a bit of advice as I cannot seem to find any good advice on the internet so I will turn to the experience of others. I have severe diabetic retinopathy and my vision is generally ok. However, I am starting to struggle at work with the PCs and making...
  2. R

    Hello all and I’m struggling

    Hi all I’m Roxanne and newly diagnosed with Type 2 and I must admit I’m struggling. Having been ignorant to this condition (shame on me) I’m amazed horrified shocked at how dangerous it is. I woke up one morning a month ago my vision was impaired, I hurt all over - could barely walk had a fuzzy...
  3. L

    Hair loss, short-sight - myopia - and furry tongue, as diabetes indicators, or as diabetes symptoms

    Before my Type 1 diagnosis and treatment ... - hair loss affected underarms, toes, forearms and head-hair - not eyebrows. Head hair is still disappearing in brushfuls, 9 years after diagnosis. - my tongue was always furry in the morning, and needed scrubbing - and I had bad halitosis - not...
  4. H

    Blurriness in eyes/floaters

    I have diabetic retinopathy was diagnosed a few years ago now. I managed to put my diabetes in remission but after a really bad time became diabetic type 2 again. I had blood sugar levels of 11.4 which have come down to 6.4 so now considered prediabetic. The nurse said because of the drastic...
  5. A

    Diabetes and Visual Impairment: a Barrier Free Blood Glucose Meter

    Hi everyone :) I'm a final year Product Design Engineering student at Edinburgh Napier University. I am designing a blood glucose meter for my honours project and I need your help! I'm passionate about inclusive design and I want to design a blood glucose meter that is easier to use for...
  6. P

    Newbie saying hello!

    Hi, I've just been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. It was (and still is) a bit of a shock, even though I perhaps should have expected it, my weight has been too high for a number of years. In early December my vision changed and at the same time I had a very dry mouth and was constantly thirsty...
  7. Diabetes UK

    Would you like to help raise awareness of diabetes complications?

    Later this year, we’re going to be launching a campaign to raise awareness of diabetes complications, to make sure people understand that diabetes is a serious condition. As part of the campaign, we’ll be talking about complications – in particular sight loss and amputation – and would like...
  8. Roger Bulpitt

    Help! Blurred vision!

    As a new arrival at this site I would welcome some advice. I am a type 2 and recently, about a month ago, I vision changed so that I had to go for another eye test. I received my new glasses but have found that my eyesight has changed again. Having consulted my optician and my GP, my doctor...