
  1. P

    Newbie T2 lacto-ovo vegetarian here

    Hi all, so I was diagnosed about a year ago and since then have little to no support from the gp they said they would send me on a food education course but to no avail so here I am trying to sort it out myself and I am struggling. Everything I read is about eating lower GI and low carb but all...
  2. bhavan.ramanathan


  3. ColinUK

    Allen Carr: Bad Sugar/Good Sugar - Tom Watson: Downsizing - Pioppi Diet

    So I’m working my way through all of these books right now to get a better handle on the low carb Mediterranean diet and to kick my sugar addiction. I’ve also got Annie Grace’s 30 Day Alcohol Experiment as the same principles about sugars apply to alcohol and I’m a sucker for a bit of delving...
  4. Smitha

    Any Lacto Vegetarians in here?

    Hello All, Any Lacto Vegetarians in here? I mean the those vegetarians who consume diary and not egg. Just looking for some good recipes and how to make BG in good control being a LactoVeg and also getting all nutrients. Cheers!!!
  5. fairyhedgehog

    How to eat vegetarian when you don't like cooking

    My husband and I are thinking of going vegetarian, which will be a big change as my current "cooking" for dinner is mostly bunging lumps of meat in the oven, then serving with microwaved fresh or frozen vegetables. He adds a jacket potato or ready-cooked rice, I don't. I'm not on meds so I need...
  6. K

    Newly diagnosed four year old

    Hi all, my little boy was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes on Monday and we are now back home after a few days in hospital. Luckily we seem to have got there fairly early on, before he got poorly, and we are now faced with a future of blood testing and insulin injections. He is being a bit of a...